Bounty Hunters

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"That's Felucia," Anakin said as we approached a planet.

"But where's the medical station?" I asked

"I don't see anything on my scanners," Ahsoka noted. Her scanner began to beep "Wait, there's something. "Vulture droids,"

"Hang on," Anakin said as he took evasive manovers away from the vulture droids' fire.

"I guess we know what happened to the medical station,"

One of the vulture droids manage to hit the ship and we began to crash.

"That's not good." Obi-Wan said.

"They took out the plasma conduit," Ahsoka said

Anakin looked at Ahsoka "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Almost certainly not," Obi-Wan and I said at the same time as we put oxygen masks on.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way. Starting ejection sequence,"

"How come every time you fly, we crash?" Ahsoka asked

"It's not my fault. It's the ship,"

"Ready to eject,"



We each pulled a lever under our seat causing us to go up in the air, a protective parachute surrounding us. I grunted with each hit the chute took until we landed safely on the ground.

Anakin came out chuckling "You all right there, Master?"

"I'm fine, Anakin," Obi-Wan looked over at me "Skysati?"

"I've had worse beatings..." I realized what I said "I mean landings," I turned away before more could be put on the subject. Thankful that Ahsoka turned the subject away from me.

"Where on Felucia do you think we are?" Ahsoka asked

"I'm not sure," Obi-Wan said

A creature growled.

"Oh. I don't like the sound of that,"

"And I don't like the look of that," I said next to her as we saw giant creatures walked in front of us.

"We don't want to scare 'em," Anakin told us.

"We can't just wander around aimlessly." Obi-Wan said "We need a plan,"

"You always taught me to go on instinct and my instincts tell me to go that way."

"No, that-that doesn't seem right. I think we should go this way,"

"Why do you even ask for my opinion? You never do things my way,"

"We crashed the ship your way,"

"Very funny."

Ahsoka and I shared a look, shaking our heads at the petty argument.

"I see your sense of humor survived the landing." Anakin said

"It's about the only thing,"

I rolled my eyes as Ahsoka took over.

"Uh, if you two are done arguing, I think there's some smoke on the horizon, which means people and a way off this planet," Ahsoka pointed out as she and I took the lead.


"Look, there's a village," Ahsoka said

"Maybe they have a ship we can...borrow," Anakin said.

Cad Bane's ApprenticeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora