Plan of Dissent

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Skysati walked alongside Master Krell, quietly, her fierceness having died down as now all she could do was compare Krell to that of Cad Bane.

"The insurgents have stepped up their attack, sirs," A trooper explained to the two Jedi.

"They want their base back. We cannot let our guard down for a moment. Have all Umbaran security reconfigured and locked down," Master Krell ordered. "Interrogate the prisoners if you have to. But I want this base under our complete control, and I don't want excuses."

"Sirs, there's a transmission from General Kenobi," Rex said.

Skysati knew she was still mad at him for the stunt he had pulled by faking his death, but remembering that they were closer to getting back with him made her feel ten times better knowing she wouldn't have to be near Master Krell.


"Where is he?" Master Krell demanded as he, Skysati, and Rex entered the tower. "General Kenobi, do you read me?"

"Congratulations on your capture of the Umbaran airbase, General," Obi-Wan said "It's refreshing to have good news,"

"There will be time for celebration when we've taken that capital,"

"Yes, well, I'm afraid that's going to be more difficult than anticipated. Their attacks have increased, and their long-range missiles are forcing us to retreat from our positions,"

"I was hoping we'd cut off their arms shipments and supplies when we took this airbase,"

"It seems they're receiving new arms shipments directly from a supply ship orbiting..."

Skysati became worried when the hologram became static "Master Obi-Wan?"

"Having difficulty transmit...they must be jamming our signals,"

"Can't we destroy the supply ship?" Rex suggested.

"We're trying, but with little success. Their fleet outnumbers ours, and the extra ships we were promised have not yet arrived,"

"We'll just have to take that capital regardless of the missiles," Master Krell proclaimed.

Skysati and Rex shared a look of shock.

"My battalion will meet you at the rendezvous coordinates,"

"We cannot expect..." Master Kenobi's hologram fizzled out.

"I'm trying to get him back, sirs," A trooper said.

"Don't bother," Master Krell said. "The enemy is jamming our transmissions. We are on our own,"


"Have those containers searched and all weapons prepped and loaded," General Krell ordered once he, Rex, and Skysati were back out on the airfield. "Have the battalion ready to move out in 12 hours. We're advancing on the capital,"

"Master Krell, perhaps I should try to get a message to Master Kenobi?" Skysati suggested. "We should coordinate our attack, especially in light of the recent threat,"

"General Kenobi has his hands full, same as us. We need to throw everything we have at them, now!"

"We'd be marching into a blast zone, sir," Rex reported.

Skysati turned abruptly when they heard an explosion go off.

"Blasted insurgents," Master Krell growled. "I realize you haven't agreed with all my strategies, but you two are smart enough and loyal enough to obey my orders. Now prep those troops!"

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