Plan of Dissent [4]

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"Padawan..." General Krell announced as he came into the barracks as soon as Rex and Skysati returned. "My flight officer reports the launch of three starfighters. I thought I ordered those ships locked down,"

"Sorry for the confusion, Master Krell." Skysati said "I authorized the recon of the delta in preparation for your attack on the capital,"

"You took it under your own authority to launch such a reconnaissance?"

"Oh, yes, Master Krell. I am sure the report will make your strategy more effective," Skysati's breathing hitched when General Krell took a threatening step towards her. She took a startled step back until she felt fingers brush against her hand.

"I want that report as soon as they are back!" General Krell demanded.

Skysati released her held breath and glanced back to see it was Rex holding her hand.

"I'll be right back," Rex told her as he walked towards Tup and Dogma. "Hey, where are you two going?"

Skysati noticed the two remained quiet and continued forward "He asked you a question, troopers,"

Dogma stopped "We are going to speak with the General, sir,"

"Regarding what?" Rex questioned.

"A personal matter,"

"Why don't you tell me?" Skysati wondered as she crossed her arms. "And I'll report it to the General,"

"On second thought, sir, it's not important," Dogma turned to walk in the opposite direction of the tower, followed by Tup.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Skysati scoffed.

Rex and Skysati glanced up towards the sky when they heard a distant booming.

"They did it," Skysati smiled, she hurried over as the troopers landed, only to frown when she noted only two rather than the original three. "Where's Hardcase?"

"He didn't make it," Fives admitted.

"We couldn't have done it without him," The second trooper added.

Rex placed a reassuring hand on Skysati's shoulder as she mourned the loss of a soldier and a friend. He glanced back when the door behind them opened.

"General Krell would like to see them in the tower," A trooper told Rex as he and two others approached the group.


"You wanted to see them, sir?" Rex asked as the group walked into the tower.

"Indeed," General Krell said.

Skysati inched her fingers closer to the hilt of her lightsaber, the tone in Krell's voice reminding her all too much of Bane whenever a mistake had been made.

"It seems they have accomplished a very brave act. Unfortunately, they've also committed a serious crime by directly disobeying my order,"

"With all due respect sir." Skysati challenged "the order to attack the cargo vessel was mine. If there's a punishment to be given, it should be directed toward me,"

Fives moved in front of Skysati "General, sir, General Cyneus is attempting to take the blame for actions that were clearly mine,"

"Fives!" Skysati argued.

"I request that her admission of guilt be denied and full blame placed upon me,"

"Oh, do you?" General Krell questioned. "You willfully countermand my direct order, and now you have the audacity to request who should bear the punishment of your insurrection! Let me be clear about the punishment for treason committed by Arc Trooper 5555 and CT-5597." He glared down at Rex and Skysati "They will be court-martialed, they will be found guilty, and they will be executed. Make no mistake." General Krell took Skysati's lightsaber away from her "For crossing me, you will pay the price,"

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