R2 Come Home

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"Mace is dead. Are you happy now?" Aurra told Boba.

I glared at the two, but through the force, I knew Master Windu wasn't, but knew he was in danger.

"I want to make sure he's dead," Boba argued

"There's nothing left of Windu to find, Boba," Aurra argued

"I want to get off this planet now. This place is crawling with Gundarks, and besides, we got these hostages to drag along with us now," A bounty hunter claimed.

I glared at him as he said that, the Admiral as well.

"Well, it's a lot of trouble for not enough payout, if you ask me," Another Bounty hunter said

"You haven't even done anything! I've taken all the risks," Boba argued

"Quiet, runt. Oh!" The Bounty Hunter exclaimed as Aurra pointed a gun at him

"I wouldn't do that," Aurra told the Bounty hunter

"Count Dooku will pay us well if we bring back the Jedi's head and giving him this one," the bounty hunter glanced over at me.

"We're not giving her to anybody!" Boba shouted

"Dooku might pay us for killing Windu. Then we're looking at a profit..."

"Now, relax. Boba is right. To get paid, we need proof of Windu's death. And if we killed Skywalker, we can ask for double,"


"Yes. But we need proof. Bossk, take care of our 'guests' while we're gone," Bossk smiled at us and even I couldn't help but back up away from him.


"What's our next move?"

"Great! Well, this has gone well. Windu will be back here with a fleet. He'll hunt us down,"

"Don't count on it. The Jedi don't carry grudges..." I glared as the bounty hunter looked over at us "Motivating him. We'll make Windu come to us next time, on our terms. Now, let's get out of here. I want to regroup,"

Once the group of bounty hunters was well away, Boba came over and took off the gags as he gave us some water. He looked at me sullenly "This isn't what I wanted,"

"You don't have to do this. You're not like them. I can tell," The Admiral told Boba

Boba glared over at the Admiral "What do you know, old man?"

"I know a good soldier when I see one,"

"I'm no soldier. I'm no clone, not like those two,"

"Boba you're not like them, you don't..."

He kissed me, but I kicked him off. His temper got the best of him as he grabbed my chin. "Once this is over we'll have that life,"

"I've chosen my path Boba and it doesn't involve you,"

"Boba, what's going on?" my gag was put back on as Aurra entered the room.

"Nothing. What are we gonna do with them?"

I glared up at her as she smirked at us "Oh, I think our friends here are about to finally prove useful," Boba prepared to move me away but Aurra stopped him "You want Mace, we make it personal," she shoved me back down "Now let's send a message,"

Boba looked over at me but put on his façade to look brave "Mace Windu, you were lucky to escape. Your friends here were not so fortunate,"

Aurra came into view of the camera "Until you face Boba, these men will be killed one at a time and then the padawan." Even through his façade, I saw the look of shock enter Boba's eyes "What's your name?" she growled at one of the troopers "Name!"


"Ugh, pathetic. Boba, do it," Boba hesitated as I looked at him "Boba!"

I looked away as I heard the blaster fire "Only two to go, Windu. Come and find us. We'll be waiting,"

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