A Christmas Carol Pt. 6

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"Doctor! {Y/N}!"

"We're sorry. We didn't realise."

"All my life, I've been called heartless. My other life, my real life, the one you rewrote. Now, look at me."

"Better a broken heart than no heart at all" {Y/N} says.

"Oh, try it. You try it. Why are you both here?"

"Because we're not finished with you yet. You've seen the past, the present, and now you need to see the future."

"Fine. Do it. Show me. I'll die cold, alone and afraid. Of course, I will. We all do. What difference does showing me make? Do you know why I'm going to let those people die? It's not a plan. I don't get anything from it. It's just that I don't care. I'm not like you two. I don't even want to be like you two. I don't and never, ever will care."

"And we don't believe that," the Doctor says.

"Then show me the future. Prove me wrong."

"We are showing it to you. We're showing it to you right now. So, what do you think? Is this who you want to become, Kazran?" Sardick turns around to see little boy Kazran standing there in his dressing gown.

"Dad?" Kazran asks Sardick is about to hit his younger self when he remembers...

"This planet is ours" and the time he nearly hit Benjamin's son, and kissed Abigail and put her back to live forever. He cries. Kazran cries. They hug each other.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. It's okay, don't be frightened. I'm, I'm so, so, so..."

"Kazran. We don't have much time" {Y/N} says.


"Structural integrity at thirty percent."

"We have five minutes max. We need to land."

"Hello? Hello? Ah, hello, everyone. Prepare to lock on to my signal" the Doctor says.

"Doctor, {Y/N} what's happening?" Amy asks.

"We just saved Christmas. Don't go away" {Y/N} says.

"Doctor? {Y/N}!"

*Main room*

Sardick is at the controls of his father's mighty Wurlitzer.

"We good to go, then?" the Doctor asks.

"The controls, they won't respond."

"Of course, they will. They're isomorphic. They're tuned to your brainwaves. They'll only respond to you."

"They won't respond."

"That doesn't make sense. That's ridiculous. Why wouldn't? Oh. Oh, of course. Stupid, stupid Doctor."

"What's wrong? Tell me, what is it?"

"It's you. It's you. We've changed you too much. The machine doesn't recognise you."

"But my father programmed it."

"No, your father would never have programmed it for the man you are now."

"Then what do we do?"

"Er, er, I don't know. I don't know."

"There must be something. This. You can use this. I kept it, see?" Sardick holds out his hand.

"What, half a screwdriver? With the other half up in the sky in a big old shark, right in the heart of the cloud layer. If we use your aerial to boost the signal, set up a resonation pattern between the two halves. Ooo, come on, that would work. My screwdriver, coolest bit of kit on this planet. Coolest two bits. It could do it" the Doctor says.

"Do what?"

"Well, my screwdriver is still trying to repair. It's signalling itself. We use the signal, but we send something else."

"Send what?" Kazran asks.

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