Chapter 22

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-Chapter 22

The door automatically opened as we walked in. We walked up to the front desk.

"Hello. How may I help you?" A lady with red hair asked. She had green eyes that reminded me of Logan. The lady started to eye rape Luke. She went from his face to his body to his.. oh no she didn't. I instantly grabbed Luke's hand. She notice my action and looked over at me. I smiled.

"We are looking for Alisha Irwin," Luke says distracting us from our complete stare down that had started. The lady looked at the computer screen and began to type the name in. I looked over at her name tag. It said Sarah. Sarah the bitch.

"She is in room 69 on the second floor," Sarah the bitch told Luke and smiled. She didn't even look at me. He thanked her as we headed over to the elevator.

"You know you're my one and only," Luke asked as we entered and elevator.

"She was eye raping you. I had to show her that you belong to me," I stared into those bright blue eyes of his. The elevator opened to the second floor.

"KYLIE!! LUKE!!" I hear Anna yell. We haven't even left the elevator yet and she knows it's us. We left the elevator to see Anna and Negin sitting as Michael and Calum sat on the floor.

"SHH!" Calum whisper yells while putting his figure to his lip. Luke and I walked to where they were. They were all sitting outside room 69.

"We have been waiting for 10 minutes now. How long does it take to give birth?" Michael complained as Negin chuckled beside him.

"We all are just going to have to.." Anna began as 3 nurses and 1 doctor left the room. They all looked at us and smiled.

"The baby is out. They will come outside and bring you in. They most probably want to be alone with him," the doctor said. They all left as we all were excited.

"It's a boy. They get a baby boy. This is exciting," Michael is pretty much bouncing off the walls now.

"I can imagine him being a joker and has an adorable laugh or giggle. I mean he is Alisha's and Ashton's child. They pretty much giggle a lot. I mean a lot," Negin tells all of us.

"If he is a joker he will be a lady's man," Luke continues into the imagination.

"He will be those popular boys that people will die to be friends with," Ashton stands by the door telling us.

"Let us in," Anna almost knocked over Ashton to see the baby. Ashton put his finger to his lips.

"He just stopped crying. I don't want him to still cry," Ashton whispers. We all went inside the room to see Alisha holding the little baby in her hands. She smiled up at us. Anna went beside her bed first so naturally Anna got to hold the baby first. Ashton joined Alisha's side beside the bed as they pecked each other on the lips. Anna still has the baby. Calum whispers something in her ear that made her smile as he chuckled. Anna gave the baby to Negin. Negin smiled down on the baby. Michael had his chin on her shoulder as he too was looking at the baby. Negin next gave the baby to me. I looked down on the baby. He had Ashton's hazel eyes and his nose. He had Alisha's ears and dark hair by the looks of the hair on his head it was curly like Ashton's. This is going to be a lady killer guy. I laughed at the thought. I felt Luke's arms wrap around my waist. He kept his chin on my head. I walked over to Alisha so she can have her child back.

"Well they are not going to being sleeping well for the next couple of months," Luke whispered in my ear. I smiled. Luke went back into his original position with his arms around my waist, but this time his chin was on my cheek.

"One day we are going to help them out. We can't just let me take care of the baby. They will need a break at some point," I replied back. He frowned. That made me smile wider.

"What's his name?" Michael asked.

"Cameron," Alisha smiled.

"Cameron Irwin," Ashton added.

"I'm going to call him Cam. That's his nickname everybody. Cam," Calum announces. Everyone began to roll their eyes and shake their head. Anna just laughed and hugged him. I looked over at Alisha and Ashton. Ashton was now holding their little cuddle of joy. Ashton was no longer standing. He was now sitting down on one of the hospital chairs they had in the room. Alisha started playing with the baby's hands and I saw a little tear run down her cheek. Aww.

"What are you looking at?" Luke asked. "I have been trying to know for the past 5 minutes."

"Alisha, Ashton, and Cameron," I reply back.

"Well stop it. You are giving them all the attention I deserve," Luke pouted. I laughed at his little pout face and pecked him on the lips. I heard some screaming as I looked at the screaming, crying baby. Well this is how Alisha's and Ashton's days are going to be like now.

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