Chapter 10

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-Chapter 10

x2 months laterx

Last day of my marriage with Logan. It's funny how we both moved on. I'm pretty sure our families think we are crazy. Only a month of marriage. We exited out of the court room to Luke's car. The gentleman he is, Luke opened the passenger door for me. I smiled at him and sat in the car.

"So what do you want to do?" Luke asked as he started the car.

"Well it is a sunny day. We could go to to the beach," I suggested. I could get tan and I haven't been to the beach in ages.

"Sure," he said.


We changed into our swim suits and got towels, umbrellas, sun screen (I want to get tan not burnt), sunglasses, a cooler full of soda, and a radio. We made it to the beach. Luke parked the car as I took off my flip flops and ran to the sand. The sand burned my feet but felt good. I dug my toes into the sand as I got a handful in my hands.

"I need help," Luke called out to me. I threw the sand back on the ground and dust off the ones that didn't come off. I walked towards Luke's car. I took the umbrellas and the radio. Luke wrapped the towels around his neck and carried the sun screen with the cooler. The beach was empt so we could be anywhere.

"Where do you want to sit?" I asked Luke. He shrugged.

"How about over there," Luke nodded his head towards the left of the beach in middle of the parking lot and the water. We walked towards there and placed everything down. I set up the towels and the umbrellas as Luke started the radio and kept the cooler next to our heads. I placed the towels next to each other but was about 1 inch away. The radio started playing Sing by Ed Sheeran. I lied down on the towel under the shade of the umbrella. I put on my sunglasses so the sun doesn't burn my eyes. I took the bottle of sun screen and started putting it on my arms and legs. I kept the sun screen down next to the radio which was on the cooler. Luke was lying on his towel staring at his umbrella. He looks so adorable. He turned and looked at me.

"What?" He smiled showing his dimples.

"Nothing," I giggled.

"Let's go into the water," Luke sat up hitting his head on the umbrella.

"I want to tan," I complained.

"But I want to go into the ocean," Luke complained back.

"You can go into the water. I want to stay here," I laid back. Resting my back against the towel. Wow I am tired. All of this divorce work really got to me. At least it is all over now. I felt a pair of hands go under me. Luke. I opened my eyes to see I am being lifted off the ground. Luke started walking towards the water.

"Luke. Put me down," I say.

"Ok," he dropped me in to the water.

"LUKE!!" I squealed.

"KYLIE!!" He squealed back. I splashed some water on his face.

"No you didn't," he says with his eyes wide open. I splashed him again. He splashed me back. SPLASHING WAR!! Water was flying everywhere. Luke grabbed my waist and brought me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved his hands down to my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist. Hey now I don't need to walk. I stared into those electrifying blue eyes that burn holes through my eyes. I rested my forehead on his. I heard screaming behind us.

"Damn it," Luke said under his breath. It was peaceful. Now it's not.

"Who are those bitches?" I say. Luke looked behind me.

"Why are you so adorable?" I heard one man say. That voice.

"I don't know," I heard a woman reply back. I know both of those voices. Just to make sure I asked Luke.

"Who is it?" I say.

"It is...."

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