Chapter 20

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-Chapter 20

"Your food will be coming right up," the waiter says as he walks away with our orders. We were sitting at a round table with Luke on my left and Alisha on my right. Of course Ashton was next to Alisha as Calum was next to him with Anna next to him. Negin was next to Michael as Michael was next to Luke. I hope that wasn't too confusing. Only Ashton and Alisha knew that Luke already told me about the big plan. I had to act like it is a big surprise so no one else knew. I was having a struggle on what to wear to this place. I'm not really a fancy person. I started to drink some water to ignore the awkward silence that was happening between all of us. This usually never happens. Like ever. A burst of laughter came by a table near us as they all started to yell. They were all drunk guys which might have made Calum give them all death glares. Anna noticed and put her hand on his arm. He softened a little but still glared at them. Good thing no one on this table drinks. I think we all would have glared at that person. One man from the noisey table got up and headed in the direction towards us. That table went silent to watch what he was going to do. He has brown hair and brown eyes and had a drink in his hand. You could tell he was drunk by the way he walked. This will not be good.

"Hey ladies," the man smirked as he went in between Anna and Calum. Calum stiffened up. He looked like he was about to punch him. He stared at me. His smirk grew wider.

"No ring?" He questioned. Luke put his arm around my shoulder and brought me close to him. The drunk man chuckled and looked at Anna. He started to play with her hair as she stood there stiff.

"Move away from her," Calum growled at him and smacked her hand. Go Calum. Tell him who is the man. The drunk man raised his hands up in surrender as he chuckled away. He walked inbetween Anna and Negin. Well he didn't listen to Calum. He looked at Negin and winked. He put his arm around her shoulder. Michael pushed his arm off of her as his jaw clenched. Ok yeah this is not good.

"Can you please leave our table?" Luke asked politely.

"No," the man replied and looked at me. "I mean look at her bare hand. Ringless don't you think? Maybe you and I should hook up later. Have some fun at my place. I mean look at her over there. She is already pregnant," he nodded his head towards Alisha. I felt my cheeks get warmer and turn red. Wait did he want to do the nasty? Too bad I already did it with Luke. Sucks to suck

"I would really like you to leave. Or I will make you leave," Luke's knuckles were turning white. This guy needs to leave. Like now.

"Brunette here needs to come with me," he nodded towards Anna as he touches her arm. Everyone on is table started doing catcalls.

"No bring blondey," one man winked at me. Luke got up and punched the guys face. He walked back as if he didn't do anything.

"What the hell?" One of the other man says and walks towards Luke. Luke got up from his chair and pushed the guy on the ground. The drunk man near Anna moved his face towards her ear as fear came in her eyes. Before the man could make contact or even be closer to Anna, Calum got up and pushed the man against the wall. Glass shatters as his beer glass slipped out if his hands and everyone in the restaurant had their attention towards us.

"I told you to move away from her. He told you to go away. Now your friends are calling our wives to your table. I want you to leave this restaurant before someone gets hurt," Calum yells at the guys face. Calum put his arm where the man's neck was.

"Excuse me sir," one of the waiters say. Another waiter goes to Luke to calm him down. "Is there a problem that you have to disturb the peace in this restaurant?"

"Yes this guys is touching my wife and won't leave my friends and I alone," Calum told the waiter still pressing the drunk man onto the wall.

"Ok sorry sir but you will have to leave the restaurant," the waiter told the drunken man.

"But I'm drunk. I don't know what I am doing," the man fought back. Too bad. Just leave.

"I'm sorry. You and your friends will have to leave," the waiter repeats. Calum lets go of the man. Ashton drank some water. As the drunk man walked by our table he pointed to Alisha and hip thrusted. Ashton broke the glass cup in half as he placed it down on the table. The man chuckled as he and his friends left the restaurant. So he pretty much made every guy on the table mad. Calum sat back down. The tension on this table was rising.

"So," Negin said awkwardly. Alisha started to collect the broken glass into a napkin. Everyone was quiet. back to how it was in the beginning. The fact that he said I'm ringless made me want to punch him in the face. I mean Luke is going to propose to me today anyways. What does he know anyways?

"Here is your food," the waiter brought out a tray full of our food.


After we all finished all the guys divided the pay between the 4 of them.

"So now we go to the park," Anna lend the way and we all followed her. It was like we are playing follow the leader. Luke grabbed my hand as we walked out the door to our cars. This is it. We are going to the park for fireworks and then he drops down on one knee. I got butterflies in my stomach. Despite the fight or whatever so far it was fun. Yeah it was all awkward and stuff but then Ashton started laughing with Alisha giggling along. Then everyone else joined. So I wouldn't say it was that bad.

"Are you ready to make the biggest choice of your life?" Luke chuckled.

"I already have an answer in mind," I smirked.

"I hope it is an answer I will like," he responded.

"It might not," I teased. Luke didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride. We made it to the park. I felt my heart race. As if it was going to pop out of my chest. We found everyone else and we all sat on this big hill. I looked up at the dark sky. The moon was full as there were no stars. Red flashed in the sky with green and purple following it. Luke got in front of me and kneeled down. This is the moment I pretty much been waiting for.

"Kylie Walker...."

Sorry it took so long. Writers block.

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