Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eater

Start from the beginning

“Looks like a good book!” Albus replied trying to make conversation.

“Yeah it is I think you would like it!" I replied.

“What secondary school are you going to?” Albus asked,

“A great School!” I answered dying to tell him it was a school of witches and wizards who learn magic compared to my primary that was pointless and boring but no I convinced myself I’m not allowed to tell any muggle about the magical world.

“Mine is too!” He replied.

“Can you keep a secret?” I asked biting my lip. He nodded his head you could tell in his eyes for some reason that I could trust him and that we were going to be great friends. 

“You see this school I going to isn’t any normal school it’s a...”

“Neither is mine it’s not normal at all my father has told many stories about...”

“Hogwarts!” We said together we both looked at each other oddly and surprised then our eyes widen and then I knew that he was going to the same school that I was trying to keep secret from him.

“WOW!” I said surprised, I was so surprised it felt like I had been hit by a massive rock in my  stomach for some bazaar reason, I guess I was so over whelmed that he and I was on the same page. We were silent and in shock for a couple of moments we couldn’t believe it. I had to shut my mouth because I had, had it open in shock I didn’t want him to think I was rude having my mouth wide open like a cod fish so I immediately shut it.

“So is the famous Harry potter your father?” I said poshly pretending to do an impression of my posh nana she would appreciate the attempt but tell me off for taking the Mick.

“Yeah he is. It is great what he did but my parents have to repeat it lots of times for it to sink in my sisters head she couldn’t believe it.” Albus replied. For a moment I had my mouth wide open again what a great first impression I thought. But didn’t think of shutting it because my mind was lost but when I finally remembered I had my mouth open in the first place and shut it.

“I think my uncle Remus used to teach your father.” I said sadly because I never knew my great uncle Remus.   

“Yeah and my granddad was best friends with Remus at school!” He replied.

“My cousin’s god father is your dad and every monday your dad comes to Visit my cousin at  our house. My cousin has told me about the great things your dad did at school, he must have been so brave to do all the things he did.” I said.

“Yeah he does...My dad never really told me much about it, he thinks of the events with you know who as a bad memory and doesn’t talk about it. You would think he would because he’s the one who killed him and everyone thought of him as a hero.” He replied thinking about his dad he couldn’t imagine his dad at school dealing with the things he did. We was in silence for a couple of minutes like we were both trying to imagine what it was like to be alive when the battle of Hogwarts was on but we couldn’t it seemed impossible. Eventually Albus thought he should change the subject,

“So are you looking forward to going to Hogwarts it sounds great?” He Asked.

“I’ve never been so excited in my whole life, I just wish my cousin Mistie didn’t have to go too she's well annoying and always ends up interfering with my life and getting the wrong idea of things!” I replied excitedly and was a bit annoyed even with the thought and mention of my dreaded cousin.  

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