Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eater

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Hello My name is Rachael and this is my first story. It is a bit like a Harry Potter fanfiction but I have made up lots of new characters to make it more interesting. The reason why I chose to do this story is because J. K Rowling is an amazing writer and I love her books! Oh and this chapter is dedicated to crystaldophin42 because I love her story Living in the past *Lily Luna Potter it's a great story and I think anyone who likes HP would like it so check it out, if you want, and finaly I hope you enjoy the story:


Chapter 1 the Long, Old Bumpy Road

Hello my name is Rebecca Lupin I live with my loud younger sister Katie, my annoying brother Timothy, my bossy mum and my know it all dad, my cousin Teddy who tells and makes up great stories and I mustn’t forget my lovely spoilt cat called whiskers who I’ve had since my cousin started Hogwarts when I was 3. I know what you’re thinking too young for a kitten to look after but my parents couldn’t say no and I have treated my cat like royalty since. 

On this particular day I was sat in the back seat of my Nana and granddads beated old car on the way home from having tea with my grandparents. We was on this bumpy road that always gave me a stomach ache and I always ended up moving left to right, up and down like some sort of ride I wasn’t enjoying. I called it the long; old bumpy road my granddad had said that it was a bit of a mouthful to call a road that. But my nana on the other hand said it was silly, pointless and stupid to call a road that. She also said that I was too much like my mother then, both of my grandparents started arguing about letting their daughter go to a magical school called Hogwarts when she was my age. They didn’t want me to turn out like my mother dreamy and full of magic spells.

When we got home I said goodbye to them both and quickly said hello to the rest of my family until I grabbed my book and ran to the park. I loved going to the park it was normally quiet and a place to go where I wouldn’t be interrupted by my reading and a place just I could go. But when I got there a boy was sat on the swing I would normally sit on but I didn’t mind I just simply sat on the swing next to him in silence. The problem with me is sometimes I am just full of questions and such a chatterbox it is just who I am people moan at me for being so talkative but I can’t help who I am. It was silent for quite some time until I thought I should break the silence by randomly saying,

“What you doing?” I felt a bit stupid after that because I hadn’t spoken to this boy before and to say what you doing to him was just nosey and stupid of me. The boy looked puzzled he looked around in confusion to see if I was talking to anyone else. He thought that I must have mistaken him for someone else but thought he would reply anyway.

“Oh I’m just drawing... and who are you?” Asked the boy he looked quite annoyed like I was interrupting something important.

“Oh sorry my name is Rebecca Lupin I live up the road from here.” I replied closing my book.

“My name is Albus Potter!” replied Albus with a smile.

“Is that a good book?” Asked Albus looking at the book.

“Yes it’s great so far, it’s called Private peaceful my cousin gave me it for Christmas and has been dying to tell me what happens in it since she says it’s a great book.” I said looking at my book and thinking of my annoying, noisy and terribly out going cousin who just happens to be starting Hogwarts the same year as me. She thinks she will be hanging around with me all the time at school but didn’t ask what I thought of the crazy idea. Sorry I haven’t told you about her sooner but I do really try to forget that I have another cousin who in my opinion is crazy and stupid she’s called Mistie Smith she’s also strange and thinks we’re best friends and I’ve been meaning to tell her for years that we’re not defiantly not but it must have slipped my mind every time  either that or I just couldn’t be doing with her voice repeating of her saying “we are best friends we always have been!” I may be a bit like her but that’s not the point I was making.

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