"Ashton what are you-?" I began before he cut me off

"I needed to see you" He gestured to the house, asking if he could step in. I stepped aside and he squeezed past me as I shut the door behind him, he stood in the middle of my living room looking around. I realised that this was the first time he had ever been to my house, how he had found it I had no idea

"How did you even find me?" I sighed, standing in the doorway still

Ashton looked uncomfortable as he stood there, he wouldn't answer me but I knew. I ran both hands through my hair and laughed "Of course, how did I know you followed me that day"

"Chloe" He begged, stepping towards me "I've tried, believe me I've tried to move on. I can't I love you Chloe"

He pulled his hand out of his pocket, I noticed he was holding my ring. Silently I cursed Henry for handing it back to him, I knew it would just cause this. "Ashton, it's yours"

"No" He said sternly "I gave it to you, when I asked you to be my wife. When I asked you to spend the rest of our lives together. For better for worse, for richer for poorer"

He took my shaking hand in his and placed the ring in my palm, gently he closed my fingers around it. I couldn't look at him, I knew I would look into those eyes and a tidal wave of emotion would overcome me. I could already feel tears threatening to fall as his hand held mine, memories of us flashed through my mind. The dreams I had for us, the visions I had for our future together.

Finally, I looked up and our eyes met. He smiled at me, his hair still wet. I could see a tiredness in his eyes as he looked at me, a sadness that I had never seen before. I watched as he sighed and dropped his hands "I really am sorry"

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. Closing my eyes, I walked away from him and towards the kitchen "Coffee?"

I heard him laugh slightly "Have you got anything stronger?"

"I do" I smiled, remembering his preference of drink "Will a single malt scotch do?"

He thanked me as I went to the kitchen to pour us a glass of the drink we once shared. As I walked past the side I placed the ring down, looking at it once more before grabbing two tumblers from the cupboard and poring the golden liquid into the glasses. Probably a little more than required but judging by the shaking in my hands I needed it.

I handed Ashton the glass and gestured that he sit down on the couch, I folded my blanket up and placed it over the back as we sat down, I didn't know what to say so I just looked down at my glass, taking a small sip every now and then.

It was Ashton who broke the silence "It's a nice place you got here"

"Mhm" I smiled as I took another drink "Thank you. So you still live with your mom and dad?"

"Nah" He downed his entire glass in one "I got my own place about three months ago, just after Christmas"

I nodded once more, swilling the drink around my mouth for a few seconds "How'd you afford that?" I didn't mean to ask this; I don't think I wanted to hear the answer either

Ashton set his glass on the coffee table, next to my empty tub of ice cream "What was left of the savings" He didn't look at me as he spoke, He was always truthful. That I had to admit. Other than sleeping with Jasmine behind my back, he never lied to me. He nodded towards the ice cream tub and sat back, resting his arms on the back of the couch "You eat all that?"

I laughed, finishing off my drink and placing the glass next to his "I mean, there is a bit left"

"Double chocolate fudge brownie?" He raised an eyebrow at me

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