Chapter 11

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Flashback (3rd Person Pov)

7 year old Stiles ran around his best friend Scotts backyard. "Come catch me Scottie" The little boy giggled running as fast as he could. The other little boy with an odd shaped jaw chased his friend around trying to tap him. "You can't catch me!" Stiles yelled. He ran as fast as he could until he saw that Scott wasn't running anymore. "Scottie are you ok?" Stiles asked running over. He knew his friend had troubles with breathing sometimes. He got over to Scott. "You alright?" Stiles asks again. Suddenly Scott smiles and taps Stiles. "Tag! Your it!" Scott yelled and started running away. "Hey! Thats not fair!" Stiles yelled running after running after Scott.

Stiles suddenly stopped hearing strange noises like creaking. He looked over into the trees and saw 3 masked people wearing dark clothes. Stiles stared at them while they stared back. Scott was long forgotten, Stiles was too focused on these strange people. "Stiles! Stiles come get me!" He could hear Scott saying in the background. "Stiles" He heard an older voice say. He turned around and saw his father walking out. "Daddy" Stiles said. His father walked up to him. "Come on buddy we gotta go" His father says. "But i wanna stay and play with Scottie daddy" Stiles replied. "I know son but we gotta get to the hospital. Mummys not doing so well." His dad replied. Stiles frowned. He was lifted up by his dad and was walking toward the house. Stiles continued looking at those masked people until they were out of sight.

Flashback over

"Come catch me Scottie" The voice echoed in his mind. It was snapped out of Stiles' mind when he heard Theo enter. "Are they hiding her?" Stiles asks. "Tonight in the school. They think they can block the dread doctors from entering." Theo replies. "Even if they did they can't keep us out." Stiles says. "What if Hayden's just like the rest of them. A failure." Theo says. "Sometimes failures can turn out really powerful in the end." Stiles says. "What like you?" Theo says. Stiles turns to Theo. "Anyone." Stiles replies. "Thats not how this works. If your a failure you die thats it." Theo says. "Don't worry Theo i've got it all planned. You just have to trust me." Stiles says. Theo just stares. "Stay here and do your part of the plan. I'm going to visit Beacon Hills High." Stiles says then walks out.


Stiles walked through the doors and already knew that the dread doctors had arrived. Malia Hale was on the floor gasping for air. He crouched down beside her. She looked toward him. A shocked and horrified look on her face. He smiled slightly before getting up and leaving her alone.

When he reached the locker room. He found Scotts beta Liam already passed out and Hayden up against the lockers crying. Her eyes begging for him to save her which he would just not now. He nods his head and the female doctor inserts the liquid into her neck making her unconscious. "Lets go. Before Scott comes in here." He says.


"Their gone." Lydia says when Scott runs in. "Hayden and Liam are gone." Malia says. "No. No we need to find them now." Scott says. "We will find them. I know we will. We know who took them" Lydia says. No one noticed Malia who had seen the face of someone who she once knew. But she didn't say anything because she didn't know if he was real. If he was really there. If he was alive.


Here you are guys i'm so so so so so sorry about how long it took for me to update. But i have just gotten over a wrist injury ( after 5 months ) and i just started year 11 this week so i'm officially an senior!!! So because of this updates may be slow because i need to focus on my classes, homework and projects and i also work as well.

I will let you know that i am going on a holiday with my family from the 26th of February till the 6th of March so i won't be updating anything during this time but i will try to update my stories as much as i can.

Anyway thank you guys for reading this book and staying around for all these slow updates lol.

much love,


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