Chapter 1

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3rd Person Pov

Claudia Stilinski hugged her husband and kissed his cheek. "You know i can drive you home." John said. Claudia smiled and shook her head. "You have a job to do besides its only a ten minute walk. I'll be fine." She says. John sighed. He knew his wife wouldn't give up. "Alright. Just be careful. We don't want anything to happen to little junior Stilinski." John said putting his hand on his wifes bump. Claudia was only a few weeks from giving birth and both were excited to have a little baby running around the house.

She bid her husband goodbye and walked out of the station. As the wind blew she pulled her coat closer to her body to get warmer. She was five minutes into her trip when she heard some noises. She stopped and looked around. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked. There was nothing. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and started walking again. She took a few steps when she heard the sound again. She stopped and turned around again. However this time the noises didn't stop they only got closer.

Her breathing got more heavy. She was petrified. Her hands flew over her bump protecting her baby. Her eyes widened when she saw a man in a robotic suit walking up to her. She turned the other way to run but stopped when she saw two others. Another man and a woman. She turned back to the first one who was now right infront of her. She screamed but was stopped when the man punched her. She fell into the others arms unconscious.


Claudia awoke hearing strange noises around her. She went to sit up but realised she was tied down to a chair. "HELP!" She screamed. She continued screaming for help but stopped when the door opened. In came the three figures with masks on. She screamed as they came closer to her. She thrashed around in the chair trying to get out but it was impossible. Two of the people held her body down so she couldn't move. The one with the cane slowly pulled up Claudias stomach revealing her baby bump. Claudia screamed louder. They couldn't hurt her baby. Her slowly pulled out a needle filled with green liquid. He put his hand on the bump. "Success." He said in a robotic voice. He then put the needle into her stomach. Claudia was still screaming only this time it was out of pain. The man slowly injected the liquid into the stomach. He pulled the needle out and ran his hand over Claudias head. "Sleep." The robotic voice said. Claudia then fell into darkness.

When Claudia woke up she was in her bed. At first she was confused. She didn't remember getting home last night. Infact she couldn't remember anything about last night. "I must have horrible memorie." She said to herself. She then got up and continued with her day not remembering what had happened the night before.

2 weeks later Claudia gave birth to beautiful baby boy. They nick named him Stiles. (A/N I don't know his real name)She cradled her son in her arms not knowing that the men in masks were watching. "Success." The man said.


Hey, so this was the first chapter of my new book! I'm really excited to start writing this. I'm just so confident with this. Anyway i hope you enjoy and i'll update straight away after i post this. So stay tuned and i'll put up the new chapter in about an hour or less.


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