Chapter 7

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3rd Person Pov

Stiles stood outside his old house. He was reminded of many memories. From his childhood to when he became friends with Scott and to when everything came crumbling down.He sighed and walked awhile thround the side. He looked up to see a window which was open. A window that led to his old bedroom.

It didn't take him long to jump up to it and climb through. He looked around his once bedroom. Nothing had changed. Just like he wanted. At least someone listened to him unlike other people. He was looking around when his phone began to ring loudly. He yanked it out of his pocket and quickly turned it off. "Whos there?" A voice said. Stiles knew that voice. His father. He ran into his closet, leaving the tiniest hole for him to see out of.

A few seconds later the door opened and in walked sheriff Stilinski. He looked at the room but tried not to get emotional about his son who still was missing. He shook the thought out of his head. "Is there someone in here?" He asked. Stiles could see him starting to look around. Now he could let his father find him which he had to admit would be nice. But then everyone would know he was back and it would ruin his plans.

His decision was made. He quickly shifted into his full wolf form and jumped out of the closet. Noah Stilinski fell backwards on the ground while the wolf ran out as fast as he could.


 Stiles shifted back into human form when he knew he was alone. He pulled out his phone and rang Theo.

S-Stiles              T-Theo


S-You nearly got me caught with that phone call earlier

T-Not my fault. You should've put your phone on silent

S-Shut up. Just tell me why you called

T-Can't i call my best friend once in a while and have a nice conversation?

S-Not when we're in Beacon Hills. Now tell me

T-Alright you know how that chimera Lucas has a boyfriend named Corey

S-Yeah whats the point to this?

T-What if i told you that Corey is a chimera

Stiles smiled. This was gold!

S-You serious

T-Why would i lie

S-I'll tip off the dread doctors. Then i'm going to cinema

T-Have fun Stiles. See you tonight



Stiles walked into the house where he found the three dread doctors waiting. "We got another one." Stiles said. The doctors turned to face him. "His name is Corey." The doctors looked at each other before turning to the first chimera. "Location?" The main doctor asked. "Considering hes Lucas's boyfriend. Most likely the hospital." Stiles replied. The other male doctor walked over and picked up what looked like a crossbow. "Is that for Lucas?" Stiles asked. "Failure." Was the response. "Well. I just so happen to know where you can find your failure." Stiles replied with a smirk.


Stiles along with the dread doctors were in cinema and on the roof trying to find Lucas. The found him on the ground surrounded by the McCall pack. Stiles stayed in the shadows not wanting to be discovered while the doctors were out in the open. Scott and Liam went to help up the passed out chimera when the doctors fired to bow. Getting him right in the heart. The body dropped and everyone looked up at the doctors. "Why did you do that?" Scott asked. "His condition was terminal." The doctor responded. The began turning around to walk away. "What does that mean? What does that mean?!" Scott yelled. They turned back to him for a split second and said. "Failure." Before walking away.

Stiles flashed his alpha eyes getting their attention. They couldn't see his face. Only the eyes. "Who are you?" Scott asked.  All Stiles did was scratch the metal with his claws before disappearing out of their sights.

Stiles walked away thinking of what e could do for his next move.


Hey everyone i'm alive! I'm so so so so sorry for not updating for a long time i've just been so busy with school and i've got a job now as well. I'm working 14 hours this week :(. But i will try to update whenever i can.

So i hope you enjoy this because it was all i could come up with but i do have a few ideas for the future so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading guys love ya!


The Born Chimera (Stiles Stilinski)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin