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Hey guys, I'm going to explain why I haven't been updating this imagine book.

So, 2017 suck shit.

I lost two people I held close to my heart to suicide both in the same month, my depression (that I have been dealing with since 2015) didn't get much better.
I started to self harm and in September I wrote a goodbye letter, I was sent to a hospital and given the attention I needed.

I enjoy writing I really do, but I have been going through a lot lately.

If you want to PM me than go right ahead, I'm always willing to listen.

You are loved.
You are beautiful.
And talented.

Twenty one pilots have helped me so so so much with a lot of my child hood trauma and social anxiety, they inspire me to create things that will inspire others and give them hope to create and see the light in tomorrow.

So stay alive for me | - /

Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now