He's sad

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Whimpering could be heard from the other side of your shared bunker bedroom with Dean, curiosity got the best of you, slightly creaking the door open more. Dean lay there softly crying due to the fact it was the day his mom died.

"Dean the bean?" You asked. His head shot up in milliseconds, breathing difficult and short. He stuttered out his words seemingly lost, "Robin.. Was I being loud?"
You shook your head no not saying anything, just cuddling next to his side which held lots of warmth.

Soon enough his body started shaking with violently with his sobs, they were silent once again. His hands bunched up the pillow case, his knuckles were white and it was very damp from where his tears lied.

"Shh" you cooed softly as you rubbed his back, you've lost people before too it was not something someone should face alone.
Dean flipped over so he was on his back, staring into your e/c eyes he sniffle "y/n, I've lived almost my whole life without a mom."

You sighed defeated not knowing what else to say, "Dean let's just lay here. Okay?"

Sorry another shity imagine.

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