The Perfect Match p1

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Prompt: You live in a world where soulmates are actually a thing, you just chose to ignore all of it because of your lifestyle. That is until a certain Winchester came knock

You look around with a sigh, running a tired hand through your messy hair. Your father had been a hunter before he died and everything soon fell to you once he was killed. You didn’t want to be involved with any of it, your mother died before because of a vampire and now your father was dead! You just wanted to get as far away from this shit as possible.

There was also the problem of the whole ‘Soulmate’ finder thing that you had to worry about. There was someone out there that was supposed to be ‘made for you’ and that made you even more nervous. Who the hell would stay with you if they figured out you had machetes full of blood laying in the basement?! Right, no one.

All of your friends found their soulmates, they described it as the world finally being open and other sing-song shit that you didn’t care to believe. Okay, maybe the hunting life was more for you because of your personality…but you weren’t going to break from your decision. No matter what.

“Y/N!” Your best friend shouts from the other room, ultimately pulling you out of your thoughts. How they had gotten into your house, you’d never know.

“Yes?” You question while turning around, being sure to hide the book that you had been using for research.

“What are you doing? O/F (Other Friend) is looking for you.” they sigh. 

“For what?” You demand.

“Well, there were two guys in her/his diner.” Y/F shrugs. “And they were looking for you.” 

“For me? Did they have a message?” You inquire.

“Something about your dad.” they shake their head and turns to try and take a look at the book you had been reading.

“My father?” You scoff. “Did O/F tell them he’s dead?”

“That’s why they asked about you.” Y/F rolls their eyes at the fact you were indeed hiding that damn book. “Said you should give them a call, they’d be staying in town for a while.” 

“God, I swear if it’s another officer trying to solve his murder.” You grumble under your breath, not realizing that they could hear you.

“Well, I hope it is!” She/he shouts. “You need closure, so you can move on and find your true soulmate! Your family would have wanted that!” You suppress a scoff, no they truly wouldn’t have. “They would have wanted you to be happy.” 

“Y/F.” You sigh and run a tired hand over your eyes.

“That’s why I called them.” Y/F continues. “And they’re waiting in the living room.” 

“Are you kidding me?!” You hiss. “Now is not the time!“

“Yes.” they scoff. “It is.” 

Without another word between the two of you, Y/F drags you out of the room and into the living room where two men sat on your couch. They both stand as you two enter the room. One was a lot taller than the other, he had long hair and brown eyes with a kind smile on his face. The second was shorter, but not by much, with brownish-blonde hair. His eyes were a forest green, those were the attention grabbers and you couldn’t seem to stop staring at them.

“Hi, I’m Sam Winchester.” The taller of the two greets. “This is my brother, Dean.” 

“Hi.” You wave, neither you nor Dean taking your eyes off of one another. Sam awkwardly coughs and your friend elbows your side, you don’t miss your smile. “Hi, sorry, how can I help you?”

“I uh…” Dean clears his throat just as his brother had. “This is a private matter.” 

Slowly, you all turn to face Y/F. They  innocently looks back at you guys before letting out a groan. “Come on guys! Fine.” 

“Sorry.” You whisper while tapping their shoulder as they walk out. You watch them go before turning your gaze back to the brothers.

“Alright, they're gone.” You state the obvious. “What’s going on?”

“Your life is in danger.” Dean gruffs and his brother glares at him. “Because of me.” 

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