virgin Y/N

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Summary: Dean finds out you're a virgin and begins to try to charm his way into your pants. Little does he know he's about to fall in love.

Word Count: 2,600

Warnings: Angst. Language. Cliffhanger of doom. Slight spoilers for Season 12. Fluff.

Only love, only love can hurt like this,

Only love can hurt like this

Must have been a deadly kiss

Only love can hurt like this

- From Only Love Can Hurt Like This- Paloma Faith

You felt your phone vibrate for the millionth time for that night. You hissed as you reached into your pocket and slammed it onto the bar in front of you. It read "Char Calling" and you let out and annoyed. Grabbing the glass of whiskey in front of you- you downed the entire glass and set it down with a thud. The bartender, an older heavyset woman, took noticed of the way you seemed to shake with rage.

"Relationship problems?" She asked glancing over at you. Her eyes were an odd almost yellow green as they scanned your face. You sighed loudly and groaned to yourself. When did your life become such a cliche? Spilling your guts to a bartender in a dive of some little podunk town? How did your life come to this? You groaned as a single thought rolled through your booze soaked brain.


You scoffed at your own thoughts and motioned towards the empty glass in front of you. The bartender nodded and poured you another drink.

"You could say that." You mumbled as you brought the glass up to your lips. Drinking had never made you very opened with others, but what the hell did it matter right now? You'd never see this woman again. "He broke my heart." Or was it that you had broken his? The grief and confusion had caused your head to swim with guilt.

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