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Charley groaned to herself as she woke up. She rolled over and sighed as she saw that she was next to hector. Part of her felt disappointed about it all. She knew that he was her husband and that Simon was also married, but she knew that she wasn't in love with hector. She loved Simon. Charley knew that her marriage was over. She knew that she couldn’t keep acting as if everything was okay. She knew that if she did, it would have start to eat her up inside. She knew that if she continued to act as if she was fine and happy that she would end up breaking. Charley sighed as she walked into the kitchen. She flicked the kettle on and sighed as Hector walked in. He walked over to her and placed his hands on her hip, which caused her to jump. He looked to her and frowned "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled "I'm fine" charley said as she walked off. He looked to her and frowned. He knew that there was something up with her and he was concerned. Hector could tell that she was hiding something and he wanted to find out what it was.


Charley got to work and sighed to herself.  She spotted Simon and they held eye contact for a moment before he walked over to her "charley" he said as she sighed "don’t" she said as he sighed. He watched as she walked out of the staffroom. He groaned frustrated. He knew that she was talking off ending things with hector. But he didn’t know if he was going to tell hector about them, about the affair that they had been having. Simon walked into charley's classroom. She had her back to him "what are you going to do?" He asked as she sighed "I'm not going to tell him, if that’s what your worried about. Don’t you think it's bad enough that I have to tell him our marriage is over I'm not going to tell him I've been screwing his best friend on the side, besides he hasn’t been faithful, I know you have been hiding the fact he slept with Niki, I'm not stupid" Charley said as Simon looked to her and smiled "I'm sorry" he said.

Charley sighed and turned to look at him and sighed "look, I'm not going to tell him about us. I know you don’t want to end your marriage to sue just yet, but unlike you I can't stay in a lie, besides I'm ending one marriage today, I won't ruin yours" Charley said as Simon looked to her and sighed "you're doing it today?" He asked as she looked to him "yes, I have to" She said as he frowned "why?" He asked as she looked to her and smiled "it's not important" Charley said as he sighed "you can tell me anything" he said as she nodded "I know, I have things to do" charley said as she pushed past him. Charley couldn’t tell him that she thought she was pregnant with his baby.


Charley sighed to herself as she stood sat in a cubical in the staff toilets. She looked down at the test in her hands and sighed. She rested her head against the cubical and sighed before she looked down to see she was pregnant. "damn it" she said as she cursed to herself. Charley knew it was Simon's baby She and hector hadn't had sex in months. Charley knew that her birth control hadn't worked and that she had ended up pregnant. She didn’t know what she was going to do or how he would react to this. After all, he still had a wife in all of this.

Charley walked out of the toilets and frowned as she spotted Simon. He looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she nodded. They looked as they saw that Christine was being lead down the hall by the police with handcuffs on her hands "what happened?" Charley asked "a lot, she's drinking again" Simon said as charley smiled to herself. She couldn’t help but be reminded of her childhood "charley you okay?" Simon asked "I'm fine"


Charley walked into the gym and watched as he stood tidying up "hey, you okay?" He asked as charley sighed "we need to talk" she said as he frowned "it sounds serious" he said as he walked over to hr and placed his hands on her arms. She looked to him and sighed "what's up?" Hectors asked "I can't do this anymore, our marriage is dead" charley sad "no, it's not, we can make it work" Hector said as Charley sighed "no, we can't. I'm sorry, I can't do this, were over, I'm sorry" charley said as she handed her rings and walked off. Charley walked down the hall and wiped away the tears from her eyes, asking herself one thing; what was she going to do now?

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