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Charley sat in bed and looked to hector in shock "what did you say?" She asked "I asked how would you feel of having a baby?" he asked as she felt the sickening feeling at the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t "I...i don’t know" Charley said as hector sat up from the floor from where he was doing sit ups and looked to her "come on charley, we have been married a while now, don’t you think we could think of starting a family. I know that you're scared but you will be the most amazing mum ever I know you will and I am so proud to call you my wife, even if we didn’t have the most conventional wedding" hector said as charley smirked slightly "you could say that, we were drunk and had just met that night and hours upon drinking we got married in Vegas, it's not the story I really wanted" Charley said as hector smirked "but we have been marred eight months and it's all good, we must be doing something right" he said as he stood up an kissed her. Charley looked to him and sighed "so, a baby. What do you say?" He asked as she smiled "sure, that’s do it" charley said even though she knew that she was lying to him and wouldn’t be having a baby with hector anytime soon.


Charley walked into work with hector "I have some work to catch up on I'll see you in a bit" charley said as she walked off to the staffroom. Hector looked to her and smiled. He walked into the staffroom and seen Simon. Who looked to him and smiled "why are you so happy? Simon asked as he took a sip of his coffee "I'll tell you, but you can't say anything. Charley and I are going to try for a baby" hector said as Simon frowned for a second "wow, congratulations" he said as he sipped his coffee. He was annoyed. He was annoyed over the fact charley was having a baby with hector when he was sleeping with her.

Simon walked to charley's classroom as he saw her taking her pill "that’s not going to help when you're trying for a baby" Simon said as charley looked to him and sighed "I don’t think the timing is right, do you? I mean I am sleeping with you so I don’t think a baby with hector is important" Charley said as Simon looked to her "I don’t like the though of you having sex with him" Simon said as charley glanced to him and chuckled "you're kidding, right? I'm his wife and besides you have a wife and I know your sleeping with her and I don’t complain. You can't control me Simon" charley spat at him as he sighed t himself "you have no right to tell me what to do" she said storming off.


Charley walked out of the school alter that day. She sighed as she saw the protest on the roof. She help but laugh as she seen red paint getting thrown all over sue in her white clothing. Charley walked over to hector and smirked "you could lead this protest over lula, way better and it would be way hotter" he said as she smirked "oh yeah, not as hot as you in those gym shots" charley said flirting. She knew Simon was in close range and she knew she wanted to make him jealous. He was getting on her last nerve and she knew he hated her around hector, even if she was married to him, Simon groaned and walked to charley. He wanted there away from hector, he hated seeing them together. "charley can you met me in my office, i have something I want to talk through with you" he said as she frowned "certainly" she said. She knew he was only trying to get her away from hector.

Charley stood in the office as Simon walked in. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest "what do you want Simon?" She asked as he sighed "I wanted to apologise okay, I'm sorry for earlier" he said as he walked closer to her. She smiled slightly as he placed his hands on her hips. She sighed and rested her hands on his shoulder "so am I, I know you hate me and hector, but I hate you and sue, its hard" she said as he smiled and nodded "I know" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She kissed him back as he lifted her up onto his desk. She ran her hands through his hair and moaned as she felt his hardened member press against her. "I need you" she said as he smirked. He pulled off the underwear she was wearing and undid the buckled off his belt and pulled out his hardened member and pushed into her, which caused her to groan. She dug her nails into shoulders as he went as hard as he could. She moaned loudly "I think I love you" Simon said as he reached his high. Charley soon followed wondering if she loved him too?

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