she was absolutely done with richie tozier.

the girl biked all the way back home, not stopping for anything. the only thing running through her mind was about how she wasn't good enough. she wasn't good enough for anybody.

she pulled up to her house and ran straight in, feeling blessed that none of her parents were home. she could finally get some sleep tonight.

she pulled her hair back into a ponytail and went upstairs to her room. she wiped the dry tears off of her face and she set her backpack down on the floor. as she took off her shoes, she heard a bump from downstairs. her head snapped up. she stared at her closed the door for a while before shaking it off.

she went over to her dresser and changed into a sports team t-shirt and leggings. as she put her socks on, she heard the sound from downstairs again.

this time, she walked out of her bedroom and walked down stairs into her kitchen. she examined it, making sure that her parents were actually gone.

"mommy?" she called out. nothing. she turned around to make sure nobody was in the living room. nothing there either.

when she turned back around to face her kitchen, her face took over with an expression of horror.

every single cabinet and drawer in her kitchen was open, somehow. even the fridge. her heart started to beat out of her chest as she quickly grabbed a knife from one of the open drawers.

she didn't hesitate to run up to her room right after that. she slammed the door and locked it, holding up the knife in front of her.

she was breathing heavily as she backed away from her door. her hands were shaking like crazy and her palms were becoming sweaty.

after two minutes of staring at her door, she lowered down her knife. she closed her eyes, breathed in, and breathed out.

once she gained her conscious again, she decided it was time for bed, especially after that.

when she turned around, she was met with the golden eyes of a girl. her breath hitched again.

"w-who are you?! g-get out please!" jaedyn cried. it didn't take her much longer to realize that the girl looked exactly like jaedyn, but prettier and with shining gold eyes.

"die already. nobody likes you nor wants to be around you. get it over with! you heard what richie said, didn't you?" the girl yelled before giving jaedyn a back hand in the face.

she sounded exactly like jaedyn. it was like she was telling herself to end it all. the girl knew that she had to be going crazy.

she looked up and held her hand up to her face. when she looked up, the girl now had the head of a clown. jaedyn screamed her lungs out as the creature lunged at her.

somehow, jaedyn dodged the creature and fell to the floor as the rest of it's body began to mutate and become taller. jaedyn took the chance to get up and run out of her room, grabbing the knife with her. she stopped in the living room, realizing she had nowhere to go.

she didn't hear anything else but when she turned around, she was met with a bunch of bright red balloons tied to the railing of the stair case.

she heard a faint, "you'll float too." as every single one of the balloons popped at once, causing her to jump and cover her ears with her hands.

jaedyn stood there in shock, replaying everything that just happened inside of her head. she heard the door unlock as her mother came entered the house, stopping in her tracks as she saw the scene in front of her. jaedyn stood straight in her place.

"what's going here? what's all this on the railing? why do you have a knife?" her mother asked, setting down her purse. jaedyn still didn't move muscle. she was still traumatized.

"god, just go to your room, please. i'm really tired now."

jaedyn said nothing and just obeyed. her hands shook as she set the knife down onto the couch and she trudged up to her room, closing the door behind her.

turns out she wasn't gonna get any sleep that night.


ignore the mistakes if there are any.

wanna be yours | richie tozier ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt