"Ok! Ok! Fine, shut up."




"Huh?" I rolled my eyes and pointed my finger at his hand. "Oh! Sorry."

"So, is it true?"


"You are into little girls." He opened his mouth to speak some rubbish but I threaten him before he could deceive him. "Don't you dare lie to me."

"It was just once. Nothing much."

"Was she beautiful? James told me how you would always stalk her like a creeper. You would secretly watch her go to school and wait for her until her school's over. Then watch over her until she gets home safely."

"Well, I'd be lying if I said she wasn't. She was a doll, the most innocent and pretty doll ever known to world." This was the first time I have seen him talk so dreamily about someone. I felt a heavy feeling in my chest, what is it?

"Her innocence always radiated whenever or wherever she went. She was pretty careless at times. No, she was careless all the time, talking and trusting every stranger she meets just because they talked kindly with her. She was living in her own world where she thought everyone was kind and giving. That made me want to protect her more, take her away from this cruel world and give her the happy fairy tale life she rightfully deserved."

"Is that how much you adored her?"

"Very." What is with that expression? So annoying.

"Lucky her." I murmured to myself.

"Huh? Did you say something?" I smiled at him and shook my head.

We walked together to the dinning hall, everyone greeted us with smiles and good evening. Unfortunately for them I couldn't muster up the same enthusiastic smile as them.

In walked the current famous couple in the Miller gang; Linda and Jonathan. They looked glowing, happy and a little flushed. I wonder why?

"Jonathan, Linda split."

"Huh?" Both of them faced towards Jason in confusion.

"I have been hearing some weird stories going around about you two. So I'm not taking any chance in my dinner."

"What do you think I would actually do in a place filled with these many people?" Johnnie sounded pretty offended but I can guarantee everyone that was fake.

"You are Jonathan Singleton, the person who can find any kind of ways in any kind of situation just to quench his hormonal needs."

"Point to be noted." I don't get it. Was what Jason told supposed to be an insult or compliment? I thought it was the former one but the way he pointed at Jason with a big smile, he looked proud of it.

Without another discussion Jonathan willing took Linda's hand and guided her towards the chair right next to mine with a big fat smile. I didn't like it, that smile of his. He was definitely scheming something. With a light kiss on Linda's forehead, Jonathan departed with his lover and sat right next to Jason.

There was definitely something going on in his head, but what? Is the main question. Once my dinner was placed in front of me my Sherlock mode went away. With a dreamy sigh I dove on my food.

Just after two three bite of my meal, I felt something crawl up my feet. I looked at Jason but he was busy with his own meal. Before I could do anything, it crawled way up near my knees. My legs were the most sensitive part of my body, a light touch can tickle me so much.

Before I realised my mouth was emitting a lot of girly giggles and my legs were thrashing the source of my state.

"Ah!!!" A loud cry brought me back from my laughter. Was my kick that hard? I faced the way I heard the cry from. In an instant, my eyes were wide and a loud gasp had came out from my mouth.

"Dude!!!! What was that for?" He yelled holding the leg that had been stabbed by a fork. He slowly took it out making me cringe in pain.

"Why don't you ask that to yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who told you to take that filthy leg of yours near my princess?"

"It was a mistake, I didn't even know it was her leg. If you hadn't separate me and Linda in the first place nothing of this sort would happen."

"How much horny can you get to not even leave the dining room? Why is that the only thing that your mind works on is sex? Can't you act like a normal person for one time?" Before these human beings turned into blood thirsty animals I stood up from my seat and marched towards Johnnie.

"Are you fine, Johnnie? Do you need me to treat it?" Before I could even go anywhere near a strong force pulled me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I was just going to check his leg. He looks really hurt." I whispered to him worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about him princess. Your dear Johnnie has had much worse than this and lived a healthy life. He won't die by a mere poke."

"A mere poke, you stabbed the poor man with a fork and you're saying mere poke. I need to treat him." Again I was pulled by the same force that prevented me from getting near Johnnie. I looked at the source in anger.

"Why are you so keen on playing the nurse role? There are other people in the house to take care of him."

"He's in pain, of course I'll want to nurse him."

"You want to play nurse that bad than nurse me."

"Huh??!! Why should I?"

"Because I'm in pain." He said in 'duh' tone.

"You look perfectly fine though."

"How do you know? You haven't even examined me properly." I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly. "You don't believe me."


"Fine, let's go to our room. I'll show you where I'm hurt."

"Eww!! Bro that's kinky." I turned towards Jonathan who was sprawled on the ground, holding his injured leg.

"Shut up before I stab your other leg."

"Wrong timing, bro." James hit Jonathan's head at the same time Jason yelled at him. Poor Johnnie how much pain are they gonna put on him.

"I'm a wounded person. Can you stop the assault?!!!" Feeling pity course through me I quickly ran towards him.

"How is your leg Johnnie? Does it hurt?" When I asked him, he gave the most cutest puppy eyes I had ever seen and a pout.

"It hurts a lot. I feel like I'm gonna die." He replied nodding his head like a cute baby, I just wanna jump and cuddle him. The moment my hands cupped his face, it was instantly pulled away.

"Don't try to act all soft with her Singleton when you aren't really one."

"How do you know I'm not soft? But no lying there though; I'm never soft, I'm always hard like now." He chuckled with amusement while everyone looked at him in disgust.

"Why am I related with this disgusting man again?"

"You hurt me brother." Jonathan pouted at his brother with a hand on his chest.

"Linda take your man away before I murder him. And you come with me."

"Yes, Linda come here and nurse your man." That was the last thing I heard before being dragged away by Mr Jason Miller.

The Gangleader's Little PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon