Confronting Her Past: Kawaii POV

Start from the beginning

Nooooope... What's their room number?, I asked as my dad threw his hands up in defeat.

205, he said.

And with that I made my way to their room. My dad texted me saying not to be mad but I couldn't help but to be. I mean I know that they wouldn't hurt him but if his father would've seen him then I'd be crushed.... I mean Kody's a spiting image of him so I'm being protective of what's mines.

As I got close to the door I could hear Colby and Jon talking so I knocked on the door.

Who is it?, I heard Colby say so why not fuck with them.

Its a Cleaning lady, I said in a weird voice.

Umm sorry we didn't order anything, Colby said still not opening the door.

No no no I clean now, I said trying to hold in a laugh.

No ma'am we didn't order anything, he said again so I stepped it up a notch.

Yes sir I come in and clean sir yes yes, I said as I heard the handle jiggle.

Look lady!.... Shit dude!, Colby yelled lowly but me?..... Oh I laughed because he was always falling for that even back in college.

Jon looked at me and moved over towards the bed by the window trying to hide something.

Ooh hey bestie, he said a bit hesitant. Soooooo.... How's it going?, he added.

Yeeeeah I already know Kody is here dude, I said making their eyes widen.

Please don't be mad... Your folks were tired and he was fussy so we watched him so you all could sleep, Colby said in a low voice.

Ok but my concern is with something else and I can't be mad at them for that.... At least let me know something especially since we're here, I said. Now move before I hit you both with a 2 piece combo, I added making them laugh a bit.

As Jon stepped aside... My heart jumped,flipped,and started skipping beats. Kody was suggled under Joe's hair.... Like the time at my house. I was in awe at what I saw but I knew the guys needed time to get dressed and stuff so I tried to take him... Like the last time.... But Joe still had a grip on him which made him wake up.

What the.., he said as I froze in place.

Oh I didn't want to wake you.... I umm..., I some how started to stumbled over my words a bit..... Damn he's a sight to see when he wakes up.

Oh oh it's no problem... Here, he said handing me Kody but he gave me a look no mom wants to see their child make when it comes to interruping their sleep.

He poked out his lip and tears fell and I was at a lost for words.

I'm sorry baby but they have to go, I said as he burst into tears.

Before I could try to sooth him, Jon scooped him out of my arms and started singing something that only Kody knew apparently and quited him down instantly.

Wait.... What's going on?..., I said laughing to hold back tears because Kody was getting attached to them and I wasn't ready for that... Not one bit.

Kawaii... Just... Just leave him with us for tonight... After the show you can have him back... We'll be careful with him and this'll give you some "Me" time, Jon asked but nobody seemed to care about what I was trying to protect him from.

Yeah Jon's right... I mean we don't go on until the end of the show and I don't know if you're gonna come tonight but.... He's our nephew, Colby said making Joe and Jon agree but I didn't want to chance it.

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