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Liana's POV

As I entered the house, I gasped.

It was so fucking huge.

It was even bigger than James's.

Don't think about that bastard. I growled to myself in my head. You are not Lily anymore. You are Liana. You have no memories of Lily. Lily died. She's gone. You're Liana now.

Matt had told me to set my bags down and I did, and some boys scurried and grabbed my bags and took it elsewhere.

Matt decided that he should give me a tour of the place, since I was going to stay there for a while.

I actually planed on staying there for well . . . forever I guess.

The house didn't even looked like it belonged in Italy. It looked like it belonged in WestChester or something like that. Somewhere that has big rich houses. If that helps.

The house had a high-end look to it. Also modern and neat.

The outside was grey, and there was a tower looking thing. kind of in the middle of it.

The inside is a different story.

The flooring was all wood flooring and once you entered through the door, you'll see two sets of stairs that curved up to the second floor. That was where everyone slept or something, I'm guessing.

As Matt walked me through the house, the only thing that was going through my mind was, God, who ever did the design and furniture did an AWESOME job at it!

"Wow," I say, still shocked from everything Matt showed me. "This is impressive. I'd never been in a house like this."

Matt stops abrutly and turns around to face me. When he looks at me he cocks an eye brown. "Oh, really?" He says.

"Really." I tell him. "I've been in a house that's like ten times smaller than this and that's it."

"Ah," He says. He starts walking up the stairs again.

Once we reach the top of the stairs, it looks like an intersection. There are three hallways. One that goes left, one that goes straight down the middle and one that goes right.

Matt turns around. "The left is the girl's wing. It has the bathrooms there too and everything" He gestures to the left hallway that has tons of rooms on each side of the hallway. "The middle leads to the game room and movie room. Once you go down that hallway, there will be two doors, the right one leads to the game room and the left goes to the movie room."

Holy, shit! This house has so many rooms and hallways!

"The right hallways is the guys' wing," He tells me and smiles. "It's just like the girls' wing, but it's for guys."

I absorb all of the information and say, "Oh, cool. That's awesome."

"So, Matt, we have a new person staying here?" A girl with long blonde hair chirped.

God, this girl was so pretty. I mean like seriously! She was like a actress or something! By all means, she could be. Hey! You never know!

She was tall, skinny, blonded haired, and piercing green eyes.

Huh, I've never seen that before. Blonde hair and green eyes I mean. It's different. I acutally like that combonation.

Matt laughed at what the blonde hair girl said to him. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at them.

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