Alpha Of My Dreams - Chapter Sixteen

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Alright guys, here it is as promised Chapter Sixteen. Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote and become a fan.


Alpha Of My Dreams - Chapter Sixteen

Jaden POV:

When Alex announced that I was his mate so many things were going though my mind. Will they accept me? Will I be a good Luna for the pack? As if he can sense my nervousness Alex gently squeezed my hand and smiles that gorgeous smile that makes my knees weak.

"Alright Jaden get your thoughts off the fine alpha and back to the matter at hand," I thought to myself as i turned and faced the group before us.

"I called everyone here tonight because we have a problem that involves us as well as you. Jaden's brother and his friend plan to kill me and Alpha Griffin and take over our packs. So we need to come up with a plan to deal with this situation then there is one more situation that needs dealing with. As you all know, Jerry has made all our lives a living hell, well yesterday he left me a gift on my bed." Alex said before taking a deep breath.

As i listened to him and looked at our pack i finally realized all the pain this man had caused them and what makes it even worst is that Jerry is family. What could have happened to make him hate his own family so much that he would try to kill them?

"On my bed was a note and a picture of me and Jaden at school after we met. The note was basically telling that he knows about Jaden being my mate and he is going to use her to hurt me," Alex continued as i looked at him and saw the pain in his eyes and it broke my heart. Needing to comfort him and this pack, i put my arm around Alex's waist and smiled up at him when he looked at me and smiled.

"Everyone, I can't begin to imagine what you all have been though because of this man, but what i can say is that he will not hurt you anymore. You are not alone anymore, my father and all the surrounding packs, which are my uncles will assist us in getting rid of him," i said as i looked at everyone then back at Alex, who just smiled at me.

"Tomorrow i will be meeting with Alpha Griffin to come up with a battle plan for when Jerry tries to get to Jaden or tries to attack us. I just want us to be ready for anything. So starting today we will have patrols on our borders at all times and we will start fight training today, which i want Jake and Jacob to oversee," Alex said looking at Jacob and Jake, who was standing to the left of us and who also bowed their heads in agreement.

"Everyone we know this is alot to take in at once, but we want you to know what's going on so you will be prepared. Tomorrow we want everyone to come with us to my parent's home so that you can get to know each other like Alex did last night with my father and then we can all sit down and come up with a plan of attack. We can even have dinner after the meeting, to get better aquainted with each other," i said smiling at everyone hoping to release some of the tension in the room. I could sense everyones fear of another attack, and i will be damned if my pack will continue to live in fear of this asshole.

"Alright everyone i know its three in the morning and everyone is tired so later today you can talk with Jaden and so she can get to know you when we will all go to Alpha Griffin's. So everyone is dismissed," Alex said then as everyone started to leave Jennifer and Kim walked up to us followed by Jacob, Jake and Brian.

"Alex can we all meet in your office for a minute? We have been talking and I think we have come up with a plan to take care of one of our problems," Kim said smiling. From what Alex has told me about his cousins, Kim is the thinker of the pair while Jack is the muscle and peacemaker. As i look at them together I'm glad Alex has such a good support system behind him though all this crazyness.

"Alright lets go," Alex replied before while holding my hand started to lead us out of the room.

As we walked down the hall, i looked up at Alex and started to think about our life together after all the drama is dealt with. Even though we just met, i feel like i known him my whole life and i'm glad the goddess blessed me with such a caring and strong mate.

Walking into his office and looking around at the bookshelves full of books and the leather sofa and love seat with his big mahogany desk with a masculine black office chair and all the electronics, that this room was all Alex and that this was his private getaway. Alex lead me behind his desk and after he sat down, he pulled me into his lap.

"Alright, what did you come up with?" Alex asked after everyone sat down.

"Well Keith probably knows about the meeting we are surpose to have tomorrow, but what they don't expect is for you to bring the pack with you. So what we were thinking is that Jaden goes and tell her family what's going on since Keith and Jason don't know that she knows their plans and when we all meet we call them out in front of both packs," Jacob said looking at us and i could feel the fear and anger rolling off Alex.

"Alex, I think its a good plan and they won't know what hit them till its to late," I said looking at Alex.

"I don't like the fact of you going back there alone," Alex said looking at me and I can understand his feeling but its the only way and i had to get him to see that.

"Alex, it's a great plan and if you want i can go with her," Kim replied.

"Alex, they're right. It's the only way this is going to work," I stated making him look at me. "Alex everything will be fine plus Kim will be with me."

"Alright, i know when I'm out numbered but Jaden promise me that you will be careful and i don't want you alone with either of them," Alex replied before i kissed him softly on the lips.

"Alright for this to work i need to get back before everyone wakes up and so i can get my parents alone," I said as i stood up with Alex following my lead.

"Jaden I will met you in the kitchen, so you two can talk," Kim said as she and everyone else stood up and started walking out the office.

Alone at last, I turned and face Alex and i found him staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask as i put my arms around his waist.

"I just realized what an amazing woman you are," he replied as he pulled me into his arms.

"And don't you forget it mister," I joked as a stood on my toes and kissed him.

Feeling his lips against mine is the most amazing feel in the world, too bad i needed to be getting home.

"Alright i need to leaving, and you need to get some rest," i said as i grabbed his hand and lead him out the office.

"Baby, promise me that you will be careful," he pleaded as i pulled him along.

"Alex, i will be fine plus Kim will be with me so stop worrying," I said as we came to the front door and he pulled me into his arms. If he keeps this up i will never want to leave.

"Jaden i know your fine, but i want you to be careful," he joked. I rolled my eyes at that corny joke, but it was kind of cute.

"Alex i will be careful, now i have to go," i said as the group walked into the foryer smiling at us.

"Jaden you ready, before my cousin changes his mind and locks you away," Kim said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. When i looked back at Alex, he had a expression of a sad pup on his face as if someone took his favorite toy which made us all laugh.

As i followed Kim into the woods heading to my house, I began to wonder how everything will go later today.

So will everything go as planned? Or will Jerry attack Alex and his pack earlier than planned? Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote and become a fan.


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