Rebekah only gave a shrug before getting ready at the door of the classroom.

     "Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans." Alaric's voice said.

    Rebekah gives Percy a smirk before she enters the classroom, Percy holding her head up as she walked by her and followed suit.

    "What about the Vikings?" The blonde interjected.

    "Yeah, didn't they sail the world or something back then?" Percy asked as they both took seats at a desk.

     Percy makes sure that her bag was in between her feet and that the contents inside were fully covered. She wouldn't want any mortal get their hands on some ambrosia or nectar.

    "There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States." Alaric said before looking towards Rebekah, "Who are you?"

    "My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject." Rebekah shined a smile.


    Percy laughed as she chugged down the bottle of nectar, "There is no way in Hades that I'm trying out for cheer. I'm not wearing that outfit, and I'm too lazy to put much effort into this stuff."

    Yes, she was drinking a lot of nectar lately.

    Why? Well she and her the two alive Originals discovered that she had to keep taking it so that she wouldn't get sick.

    Why was she getting sick in the first place? She had no clue.

    But she didn't want to complain or really bother anybody by informing them about her situation, so she decided to hush up about it.

   She didn't like others worrying about her and/or wasting their time on making sure she was alright.

   She could do that just fine, thank you very much.
   Currently, Rebekah had a plan formed in mind. Not one that she really cared to share with Percy, though. All she said was that they both needed to get on the cheer squad.

    Percy huffed as she stuffed the empty bottle that had been filled with nectar into her bag. The two were currently on the football field where practice was underway and cheerleaders were practicing on the side of the pitch.

    "Has anybody seen Dana?" One of the cheerleaders called out.

    Percy crossed her arms as she and Rebekah made their way towards the group of girls.

    "Sounds like you have an opening or two on the squad," The Original vampire said as she made sure Percy was in their sights.

    "What are you doing?" Caroline asked in a demanding tone towards Rebekah.

    Percy sensed the tension and loath between the two which made her raise her hands up in what was like a 'surrender' move before speaking, "Chill, it's just extracurricular. Gods knows I'm gonna need an excuse once I get home about why I skipped a whole year of college to repeat senior year."

   Rebekah smiles at what Percy says as she stretches, but Caroline was still standing next to her, "Hey. Hey. You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives."

    Percy looked up at her friend in confusion, "Am I infiltrating your lives?"

    Caroline shook her headband replied before asking a question that she had been itching to ask,  "Of course not, Percy. What are you even doing with her?"

Destination: Mystic Fallsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن