Chapter Eleven

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Matt saw Abigail talking with Nate, a serious look on her face. Taylor was holding his hand and dragging him to her home. He pulled his hand away and walked on his own. Tay pouted and continued her walk, occasionally trying to talk. "So! What happened? One day you were home and the next you disappear."

"I broke my leg."
They walked in silence until Taylor's mistress came. "Taylor! Get back in here and work! Those peas will not shell themselves!"
"Of course Mistress Alexia!" Tay kissed his cheek and hurried inside. Mistress Alexia raised an eyebrow and followed Taylor inside.

Matt decided to visit Mya Chiffent. Mya always was sweet, and she was like a mother to Matt after his own died. He had no idea he was in for a surprise when he walked in.

"Hello, Matthew." Matt turned to see Abigail rinsing the dishes and drying them. Alissa was washing them, and Sara was collecting the plates and cutlery.

"What are you three doing here? Should you not be working for Mistress Alexia?"
Alissa turned her head and spoke softly. "Yes. We are to go there in two days after Mistress Mya had taught us everything. Sara and Abi have no idea how hard it is to work here."
Matt nodded, and at that moment Mya walked in, holding her new baby at her hip and bringing in more dishes.

"Oh! Hello Matthew! You have not yet met my son. He was born while Nathan and you other boys were gone. I named him Cole."
Matt smiled at Cole and the baby laughed. "Well hello, Cole."
Nate's dad, Cameron, walked in and hooked his arm around Mya's waist. She beamed up at him and handed Cole over to his father. The baby squealed in delight as Cameron lifted his son into the air and threw him slightly upwards.

"Cameron! You'll hurt the baby!"
Cameron shrugged and walked upstairs. Mya came around the table and hugged Matt. She always loved it when he stopped by.

"Do you need anything Matthew? I have to keep instructing the other two ladies about how to keep house and how to do jobs that Mistress Alexia will instruct. Have you heard that Alexia is engaged to Alex Dawson?"
"Really? Alex and Alexia? That's an ironic couple."
"Is it not? I love how the names are almost exact."
"I better leave you to look after these ladies. Good day to all of you."
To his delight, Abigail and Alissa both responded with their own "good day", while Sara just grunted.

Matt walked out of the house feeling slighted when Mya called him back. "Matthew! Wait! I need to give you something!"
Matt walked back to the door and Mya held out a basket. "Keep the basket. I'll have Alissa weave another one. There are little treats and food for your father and yourself."
Matt smiled, knowing how happy Mya Chiffent always was to give food away. She had two new helpers to assist with the baking and cooking for the next two days.

When he arrived at his father's home, a man sat on the table eating what looked like stew. The man looked up and smiled at Matt when he walked in.

"Welcome back, my son. I see Mya Chiffent was working her magic again and gave us some more food."
"Yes, Pa. Mrs. Chiffent was very persistent about giving us the large meal."
"Yes, indeed. Son, I had an idea."

"I know what that look means Matthew. I was thinking of taking on about one or two servants to cook and clean our place while we are working. Does that idea appeal to you?"
"Yes, Pa."
"I saw three new servant girls when I was at the market. One was going on about her wedding, the other was listening, while the last looked like she could work for a week straight and still have enough energy to climb a cliff."
Sara, Alissa and Abigail.

"Pa, I was wondering if we could take on one of Mya Chiffent's new workers. She has three new ones, and she does not need them. All three are going to Mistress Alexia's in two days time. Do you think we could take one in to be our servant?"
"Of course Matthew. Who did you have in mind?"

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