The Pandorica Opens Pt. 4

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The circular designs on the Pandorica are glowing green and moving like cogwheels.

"What is it? What's happening?" Rory asks.

"The final phase. It's opening" {Y/N} says, River is on her horse, watching the myriad of shining spaceships buzzing around Stonehenge.

"You're surrounded. Have you got a plan?" River asks.

"Yes. Now hurry up and get the TARDIS here. We need equipment" the Doctor says.

"What are you? They're all here, all of them, all for you. What could you possibly be?" {Y/N} asks as if the Pandorica would respond, a while later her and the Doctor run outside.

"Sorry, sorry, dropped it. Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe. But bad news, everyone..." the Doctor and {Y/N} appear on the Altar stone.

"Because guess who? Ha! Listen, you lot, you're all whizzing about. It's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because we are talking!" {Y/N} shouts, the spaceships stop moving.

"The question of the hour is, who's got the Pandorica? Answer, we do. Next question. Who's coming to take it from us? Come on! Look at us. No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. we don't have anything to lose!" the Doctor says.

"So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship, with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way. Remember every black day we ever stopped you, and then, and then, do the smart thing. Let somebody else try first" {Y/N} says, the spaceships retreat.

"That'll keep them squabbling for half an hour. Romans" the Doctor says.

"They're still out there. What do we do now?" Rory asks.

"If we can stop whatever's in this box getting out, then they'll go home," {y/N} says.


"Rory, I'm sorry. You're going to have to be very brave now" the Doctor says, Amy walks past Rory.

"Oh, my head."

"Ah" {Y/N} says.


"Just your basic knock-out drops. Get some fresh air, you'll be fine" {Y/N} says.

"Is it safe up there?"

"Not remotely, but it's fresh," the Doctor says.

"Fine. Oh, you're the guy, yeah? The one who did the swordy thing" Amy says looking at Rory.


"Well, thanks for the swording. Nice swording" Amy heads out.

"No problem. My men are up there. They'll look after you."

"Good. Love a Roman."

"She doesn't remember me. How can she not remember me?"

"Because you never existed" {Y/N} says.

*Time skip*

"There are cracks. Cracks in time. There's going to be a huge explosion in the future, on one particular day. And every other moment in history is cracking around it" the Doctor says.

"So how does that work? What kind of explosion? What exploded?" Rory asks.

"And for those of us who can't read the base code of the universe?"

"Amy's time."

"Doesn't matter. The cracks are everywhere now. Get too close to them and you can fall right out of the universe" the Doctor replies.

"So, I fell through a crack and now I was never born?"


"Well, how did I end up here?"

"I don't know, you shouldn't have. What happened? From your point of view, what physically happened?" {Y/N} asks.

"I was in the cave, with you two and Amy. I was dying, and then I was just here, a Roman soldier. A proper Roman. Head full of Roman stuff. A whole other life, just here like I'd woken up from a dream. I started to think it was a dream, you two and Amy and Leadworth. And then today, in the camp, the men were talking about the visitors. The girl with the red hair. I thought you'd come back for me. But she can't even remember me" Rory says.

"Oh, shut up" {Y/N} mutters.

"What?" she throws the ring box to Rory.

"Go get her."

"But I don't understand. Why am I here?"

"Because you are. The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous, and sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles, and that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do us. Now get upstairs. She's Amy and she's surrounded by Romans. I'm not sure history can take it" {Y/N} laughs, Rory smiles before heading out after Amy, a while later the Doctor contacts River.

"The TARDIS, where is it? Hurry up" the Doctor says quite loudly.

"Don't raise your voice, don't look alarmed, but do let me talk to {Y/N}" the Doctor gasps, and lets River talk to {Y/N}.


"Just listen" River replies.

"Uh, ok."

"They're not real. They can't be. They're all right here in the story book. Those actual Romans. The ones I sent you, the ones you're with right now. They're all in a book in Amy's house. A children's picture book" River says.

"What are you even doing there?"

"It doesn't matter. The TARDIS went wrong. {Y/N}, how is this possible?"

"Something's using her memories. Amy's memories."

"But how?"

"You said something had been there."

"Yes. There's burn marks on the grass outside looks like landing patterns."

"If they've been to her house, they could have used her psychic residue. Structures can hold memories, that's why houses have ghosts. They could've taken a snapshot of Amy's memories. But why?"

"{Y/N}, who are those Romans?" River asks.

"Projections, or duplicates."

"But they were helping us. My lipstick even worked."

"They might think they're real. The perfect disguise. They actually believe their own cover story, right until they're activated" {Y/N} says, starting to pace, the Doctor watches her.

"{Y/N}, that Centurion" River has found a photograph of Amy in her policewoman outfit with Rory dressed as a Roman "It's a trap. It has to be. They used Amy to construct a scenario you'd believe, to get close to you."

"Me? Why? Who'd do that? What for? It doesn't make sense" something goes bang.

"River? River? River, what's happening?" {Y/N} asks.

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