33 - "It's not the right time yet."

Start from the beginning

"You wouldn't want kids?"

You blinked several times. Not really having thought about it, you found yourself wondering if that would even be possible in the condition you were both in.
Being an assassin or even having such a past could be very dangerous for children... Besides, you and Jimin had never had such a talk before.

"I- We can't really... uh-"

"Oh, you're not capable of-"

You waved your hands in the air like a crazy person.
"No, no! It's just... well, we both... work a lot. I don't know if we would have time for kids", you lied. But it was partially true, though.

The cab driver looked at you with big eyes.
"Sorry, it wasn't my place to ask in the first place", he apologized.

"Ah it's fine!", you awkwardly said.
"We're still young, so we have time."

You were unsure of the words that had just come out of your mouth. Did you really believe that?

"It's just that, in my opinion, young couples waste their lives. So many of them wait and wait... and then it's too late for marriage and children and their whole life was just about working", he mumbled.
"But then again, it's none of by business. I apologize."

You felt a little terrorized by his rambling and were hoping that Jimin would come back soon.
It was becoming uncomfortable.

"Shall we go?", Jimin asked upon returning and you were relieved that he had come to save you.

"Yes please", you whispered and hooked yourself underneath his arm.

Jimin took your luggage, which had gotten heavier throughout the time and thanked the cab driver for waiting with you by giving him a generous tip.

The two of you proceeded into the hotel and lazily spread your bags across the room before letting yourselves fall onto the bed together.

"Uuuuugh", Jimin yelled into the pillow. "I'm beat..."

You agreed and felt too lazy to get up and change your clothes. It seemed as if you could never get used to travelling. Maybe you would just fall asleep like this.

"Hey", he mumbled and brushed your hair from the side of your face.
"What did that cab driver talk to you about?"

You blinked several times. Jimin was really sharp, so it didn't surprise you that he had noticed.
"Oh it was nothing."

"I wanna know", Jimin playfully said before rolling closer next to you.

"He just said we looked good together", you squeaked.

"We do, don't we?", he chuckled and kissed your side.
"And then?"

"And then what?"

"What did he say then? You talked for a while", he smirked.

"Nothing else", you nervously laughed.

"Why don't I believe you?", he grinned and got on top of you.

"H-he uh.. just asked where we were from and stuff."

He bent down and kissed your neck, allowing his hot breath to dazzle your mind. You couldn't help but smile because you liked it, bit still didn't want to tell about your awkward talk with the cab driver.

"N-no um", you stuttered.

You knew that he was trying to get you to spill it. He continued kissing your neck until you felt the blood on that spot gather and it hurting a bit. He was actually going to leave you a hickey.

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