2. "Crying won't help"

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Jimin pointed to Namjoon and the others.

"That is, after we kill these guys first."

"W-what?", you stuttered.

Jimin laughed: "Aah I can't wait to blow your heads off. And I saved the best for Taehyung later..."

You shrugged.
What the hell was he even saying? It didn't make any sense coming from him.
Was he the one that had taken and tied up Taehyung?

Jimin tightened his grip on your shoulder.
"Y/N, come with me. You don't have to watch this."

You were confused. What was he talking about?
Was this really Jimin?

His followers raised their guns at your friends behind you.

"N-no", you stuttered.

Jimin's eyebrows crashed together:

You wiggled out of his grip. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jimin", you laughed nervously.
"Come on, let's go home."

He looked at you blankly.
Your gaze fell onto the other members behind you. They all looked pale and helpless.
Guns were being pointed at them from all sides by people in black.

Still, you couldn't comprehend the situation at all. It didn't make any sense to you why Jimin would be doing this.

"Jimin, it isn't funny. Come on, stop it."

"I'm not joking, Y/N", he said, staring into your soul.

"That look... he's so different..."

"Come with me now", he commanded, taking your hand roughly

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"Come with me now", he commanded, taking your hand roughly.

"I don't know what to do... who is this person in front of me? His eyes seem so... dead inside."

"Jimin, p-please", you pleaded him "Come with me, with us... Come back to Bangtan."

Jimin's face darkened as he let go of your hand.
"Y/N, don't you... love me anymore?"

You were frozen.
"Of course I do!"

Jimin's expression remained unchanged.
"Then why do you still want to be with them?"
He nodded towards the members.
"They are traitors and liars", he spat.

Jungkook looked traumatized and had tears running down his face.
Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin were dead serious and Hoseok had a very pained expression.

Did he really... see all of you as traitors? Was it because of what happened 2 years back?

"W-why don't you..? Why are you like this?", you stuttered as you took as step away from him.
Your heart shattered over every single word he spoke to you and your friends.

It just wasn't him. The old Jimin wasn't capable of hating anyone, not to mention Bangtan - his family.

Jimin smiled: "I told you, I changed a bit."

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