Hotel pool

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The first week of the boys holiday had come to an end and they had decided that once again they were going to go to the beach, since they hadn't been since the issues with Eunha they felt that they wanted to have a trouble free day and thought the beach was the best place for it.

"Jimin, are you ready yet?" Yoongi knocked on the younger boy's door and shouted to him, Jimin appeared at the door in front of his friend and walked back into the room with Yoongi following.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin questioned and Yoongi nodded in reply. "Do you still have feelings for her?"

"Who Eunha?" Yoongi looked out the window, thinking about his answer. "Honestly I don't know, I hate how she acts now, it's like she's a completely different person to when we were in high school and I liked that Eunha not this one."

"But you were trying to sort things out with her the other week?" Jimin asked with a puzzled look on his face as he remembered back to the time when Yoongi stormed into the dorm.

"I wanted to try and get back to how we were but then she started dating Taeyong and as we found out that was just an attempt to get me to be jealous, I feel like she is just so immature and there's also the factor that I can't date." Yoongi said as he turned to faced Jimin.

"But I thought—" Jimin was cut off by Taehyung shouting through the door.

"Jimin let me in I need to talk to you about Yoongi." Taehyung announced. This prompted Yoongi to hide in the bathroom before Jimin let him in.

"I'm not up for a bitching sesh Tae." Jimin rolled his eyes as the other boy bounded into his hotel room.

"I'm not here to bitch, it's more of a questioning, do you think we should try and help things get sorted between him and Eunha or not?" So he was trying to look out for his friend not backstab him.

"Just leave it, it's his choice and if that's to get on with his life without her then so be it." Jimin looked in his mirror and ruffled his own hair. "I'm not getting involved and neither should you unless it's to tell her that you aren't gonna help." He looked at Taehyung sternly whilst Yoongi was silently thanking Jimin for standing up for him.

Taehyung nodded "also why don't we just stay here and lounge by the pool all day, it saves walking all that way and there's less risk of being seen." He had a point so Jimin nodded allowing Taehyung to get his way so that he'd leave and Yoongi could get out of his bathroom.

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