I was a jerk but

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Taetae: I was a jerk but

Unicorn: but what?

Eunha was laid on her bed back at her university dorm, her roommate was sat across from her at her desk. Eunha let out a loud sigh whilst she waited for Yoongi's reply which was taking a long time to be sent.

"What is wrong with you? Is Yoongi still messing you around?" Her roommate Seolhyun asked. She had gone to high school with all of them and knew of the problematic time that Eunha had gone through with Yoongi, it was actually her idea for Eunha to change her number and social media in an attempt for her to get over him.

"I saw him and the rest of the guys today, but he seemed really pissed at me, I'm just trying to find out why that was, now." As Eunha finished her sentence her phone had received a notification.

Taetae: after you changed everything and i couldn't get hold of you I decided it was time to move on, I asked the guys not to mention you around me in order for me to get over you and forget you easier, it was working.

Taetae: then you showed up, all that effort for nothing but I realised after you left that

Taetae: I still need you in my life, I don't want to forget you, I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you today. I miss you so much

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