*The story of Prophet Moosaa -II*

Start from the beginning

Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, sensed that the women were in need of help. Forgetting his thirst, he drew nearer to them and asked if he could help them in any way.
The older sister said: “We are waiting until the shepherds finish watering their sheep, then we will water ours.”

Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, asked again: “Why are you waiting?”

The younger one said: “We cannot push men.”

Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, was surprised that women were shepherding, as only men were supposed to do it. It is hard and tiresome work, and one needs to be on the alert. Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, asked: “Why are you shepherding?”

The younger sister said: “Our father is an old man; his health is too poor for him to go outdoors for pasturing sheep.”

Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, said: “I will water the sheep for you.”

When he approached the water, he saw that the shepherds had put over the mouth of the spring an immense rock that could only be moved by ten men. Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, embraced the rock and lifted it out of the spring's mouth. He was certainly strong. He watered their sheep and put the rock back in its place.

He returned to sit in the shade of the tree. At this moment he realised that he had forgotten to drink. His stomach was sunken because of hunger.

Almighty Allah describes this event in the verses (which mean): *“And when he [i.e., Moosaa] came to the water [i.e., well] of Madyan, he found there a crowd of people watering [their flocks], and he found aside from them two women driving back [their flocks]. He said: ‘What is your circumstance?’ They said: ‘We do not water until the shepherds dispatch [their flocks]; and our father is an old man.’ So he watered [their flocks] for them; then he went back to the shade and said: ‘My Lord! Indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need’” [Quran: 28:23-24]*

The young ladies returned home earlier than usual, which surprised their father. They related the incident at the well, which was the reason that they were back early. Their father sent one of his daughters to invite the stranger to his home. Bashfully, the woman approached Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention: “My father is grateful for what you have done for us. He invites you to our home so that he may thank you personally.”

Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, welcomed this invitation and accompanied the maiden to her father. He, may Allah exalt his mention, could see that they lived comfortably as a happy and peaceful household. He introduced himself and told the old man about the misfortune that had befallen him and had compelled him to flee from Egypt. The old man comforted him: “Fear not, you have escaped from the wrong-doers.”

Moosaa’s gentle behaviour was noticed by the father and his daughters. The man invited him to stay with them. Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, felt at home with this happy household, for they were friendly and fearful of Allah.

One of the daughters suggested to her father that he employ Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, as he was strong and trustworthy. They needed someone like him, especially at the water hole, which was visited by ruffians.

The father asked her how she could be sure of his trustworthiness in such a short time. She replied: “When I bade him to follow me to our home, he insisted that I walk behind him so he would not observe my form (to avoid sexual attraction).”

The old man was pleased to hear this. He approached Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, and said: “I wish to marry you to one of my daughters on condition that you agree to work for me for a period of eight years.”

This offer suited Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, very well, for being a stranger in this place, he would soon have to search for shelter and work. Moosaa, may Allah exalt his mention, married the Madyanite's daughter and looked after the old man's animals for ten long years.

Time passed, and he lived in seclusion, far from his family and his people. This period of ten years was of importance in his life. It was a period of major preparation. Certainly Moosaa’s mind was absorbed in the stars every night. He followed the sunrise and the sunset every day. He pondered on the plants and everything else around him. He contemplated water and how the earth is revived by it and flourishes after its death.

Of course, he was also immersed in the Glorious Book of Allah, open to the insight and heart. He was immersed in the existence of Allah. All these became latent within him.

One day after the end of this period, a vague homesickness arose in Moosaa’s heart. He wanted to return to Egypt. He was fast and firm in making his decision, telling his wife: “Tomorrow we shall leave for Egypt.” His wife said to herself. “There are a thousand dangers in departing that have not yet been revealed.” However, she obeyed her husband.

[To be continued…]

Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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