Part 2 Begins

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I know that Nishimura is still chasing me. I manage to give him the slip yet again and go around him. It's time I return to the school. I hope I can convince some of the students to help me. I hope he hasn't completely broken them all. But, from what I gathered when I was there, there are some strong people left. There are some that aren't absolutely gone. I'll need their help if I'm to finish this. I don't want to get them involved, knowing how many people Nishimura has killed just to find me, but I need as much assistance as possible. This has to stop now. 

I've managed to conceal my presence from him. He would've found me a long time ago just by sensing my essence. But, I've become an expert in all things secretive. Anything that requires being hidden, I've done it. After all, being so close to him while planning his downfall is harder said than done. I'm surprised I managed to keep my image for this long without him finding out. He probably never guessed that I'd betray him and I'll bet it stings. That thought makes me smile. I hope it hurts him. 

Although the school is supposed to be impossible to escape, it's really easy to sneak in and out. I've proven that many times. But, the point isn't that the walls or the guards are hard to bypass. It's simply that those inside don't have the initiative to escape. They don't care if they ever leave or not. That's why the security surrounding the school is weak. It's because he breaks the students down until they have no reason to get out. But, he may have made a mistake in thinking that. People like me will never be broken. I've got my share of cracks, though. I'll never be the same; I'm just a shadow of the former Akihito. 

I quickly make my way through everyone. I tell them what I'm planning. Surprisingly, a lot of them agreed to help me. They don't want to be here any more than I did. And they hate him nearly as much as I do. Even some that have a certain emptiness in their eyes agree to assist me. When I tell them of my plan, that emptiness shies away to the back of their eyes and a certain mischievous glint enters them. Of course, there are still quite a few that don't even respond to me. They don't even seem to notice I'm there. That's a little worrying, but there's nothing I can do about it now. I'll do my best to return these kids to their families, or what they have of a family. They might not go back the same way they entered, but that's still better than never being seen again, right?

Most of them don't have families, obviously. If you're a Spirit Warrior, you're family was most likely killed by a demon. That's just how our lives are. We've all had some kind of tragedy in our lives and that's why we're attending an academy. We need to learn to control our powers so that we can avenge our loved ones. And, those that attend this academy in particular, are even more dedicated. After all, this is the best Warrior school. Or, it is until you realize what goes on behind the gates here. It has a really nice reputation on the outside, but we've gotten to see past the mask. And we're not at all happy about the lie we were told. So, of course they'd be on board with me. We'll take him down together.

Everything's in place for part two of my plan. Now, all we need to do is wait for Nishimura to show up. I don't want these other students to be hurt, but I really needed their help. I don't just want to kill Nishimura, I want to destroy him. I want him to break just like every here has. I want to see him fall first. This was my plan all along. But, I needed to get far away from him first. That way, I could ensure I'd have plenty of time to convince them. Plus, I needed time to relax. But, he'd been on my ass for weeks. He'd literally been so close that I didn't feel comfortable returning here yet. And, I needed a good plan on how to convince them. I honestly didn't think it'd go as well as it does.

I don't want any more people to get hurt, though. Hopefully, if we all stand against him, he won't attack. Although, that's just my own hope. There's really no telling what he'll do. He's absolutely insane and unpredictable. If he decides to lash out, I'll be there. It's my job to protect these people from his wrath. I've slacked at my job recently and I won't anymore. It's time I ended this charade and freed everyone. Maybe, when this is over, maybe I'll be free as well. But I highly doubt it. I'll never be completely free again. These chains that have been on my wrists and ankles since I got here will never break. They're indestructible. But, maybe someday, they'll loosen slightly. Maybe they won't be so suffocating. 

Maybe someday I'll be able to forgive myself. I can't see it happening anytime in the near future, but maybe after a while. Or maybe this guilt will tear me apart until there's nothing left. There's no way to tell. I can't see the future, unfortunately. For all of my power, I can't do that. And, no matter how much I wish it so, I can't bring the dead back to life. For all of my skill, I'm actually pretty useless. According to Nishimura, I'm one of his most promising students ever. But, I'm still worthless. I can't save anyone and I definitely can't save myself. However, the one thing I can do is end him. I have everything perfectly in place. Now all I have to do is hit the kill switch. That's when I notice something's wrong. There's a bad vibe in the air. And it's coming from Yoji's academy. There's blood and death on the horizon. I just hope I can make it in time.

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