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I'm not sleeping, but I'm not awake either. I'm just laying there, wishing I was dead. I don't feel anything anymore, not pain or emotions. Everything's just gone. I don't care anymore. I might as well be dead. Why do we have emotions? All they do is get our hearts broken. Is the reason so that we can feel pain? Is there even a point to them? I don't care. I don't care about anything. 

That's when the door opens. Sensei comes striding in, leaving the door wide open. Even if I wasn't cuffed to the wall, I wouldn't have the strength or will to run. What would be the point? I'd just get caught and end up in here again. Then again, they can't do more to me than they already have. I've seen it all now.

"Well, how are you feeling?" I don't even dignify that with an answer. "Anyway, have you learned your lesson?"

I stare at him, eyes as cold and hard as the concrete I'm laying on. "Yes, sir."

He smirks. "Good. Let's go. We've got some training to do, don't we?" He unlocks my shackle and drags me from the room. Even if I stood up, my legs won't hold me. I may not feel pain, but that's the thing. I can't feel anything, I'm completely numb. He takes me into the training room and makes me stand up. Strangely enough, my legs hold.

He tosses me a sword. I manage to catch it. "Now, show me what you're made of." He enters his Form. I blink and, easily, I'm in my Form. I cock my head, eyes dead, before charging. He seems surprised. My eyes don't show anything, including what my next move is going to be. He studies me, trying to figure me out. I attack, then withdraw. He blinks at me, confused.

From eight feet away, I swing my Weapon. A shockwave of red flames arches from my blade and slams into him. He tries to block it with his Weapon, but the force shoves him back. He hits the wall hard, but charges. I flick a finger at him, throwing him back again. He's panting, still trying to attack me. Carelessly, I dodge his blows without even looking at him. Then, I stomp my foot and the floor underneath him sets on fire. He's surprised again before the wood collapses under him. He falls to the floor below, making a large crash. There's screams from below.

I jump down through the hole, landing lightly. I sigh. "Is that all you've got? I though you wanted to see what I'm made of? You're not even putting up a fight."

He grins. "That's what I'm talking about! Harness that amazing power!" He gains his feet, bleeding from several cuts with burn marks on his arms. His kimono is ragged. I glance around at the class we'd interrupted.

"Mr. Takahashi!" the female teacher snaps. "Can you not bring your class into mine?!"

"My apologies," he bows.

"Enough," I say quietly. I swipe my blade, smashing Sensei through the board. The woman shrieks. There's scorch marks on the ground, but I don't care. He challenged me, so I'm going to show him everything. He'll respect me, I'll make sure of it. All of the students are up against the wall, avoiding me. That's fine with me, I don't care what they do. They're not my concern. If they get in my way, they were stupid enough that they deserve to die. With unbelievable speed, I'm beside Sensei.

My attack makes him fall back, a large gash on his face. He lands hard on the floor and I see my attack got his eye. Now, there's just a gaping hole. It's bleeding profusely, but he doesn't swipe it away. He lets it run down his face, his remaining eye furious. It looks like I pissed him off. Good, maybe he'll finally attack me with his full strength. 

However, he calmly stands up and addresses me. "That's it for today. I think I understand your power now. You won't need anymore training, it seems."


"Sorry, Miss Raiko." I turn away and exit the room without a word. I think he understands now. If not, I'm always up for a rematch. Nobody will ever call me useless again. Nobody will ever dare to insult me. I walk into my room. I can't remember how long it's been since I've seen it. I spare a glance for all the stupid and useless knickknacks I have. I grab the trashcan and begin throwing everything useless out.

I stare for a minute at the picture in the beautiful wooden frame, before tossing it too. It's also worthless since my parents are long dead. There's no point to keep that stupid picture. That's when I spot another picture. It's one of Emiko, Suguru, and I. I gently touch the ribbon in my hair, remembering when Suguru fixed it for me. Something stirs in my heart, but it flees quickly. I set the picture at the bottom of my bag. I don't know why I can't throw it out.

I vaguely realize my stomach is growling. Reluctantly, I get up and go into the cafeteria. I scrounge up some food and eat it as I walk. I glance at the fence around the academy. It may not look guarded, but there's no escaping this school. Even had I wanted to, I couldn't leave. Students come here, not to learn, but to slowly die. Most of us are already dead now. New students keep coming, of course, because nobody ever leaves. Nobody knows what really goes on behind this iron fence. 

Nobody realizes the screams that are trapped within these walls. No one knows about the blood that's soaked into these floors. No one can see all the souls that have been lost here in the endless suffering. This was never meant to be a school. Even a prison has more morality than this place. Nobody knows what they're getting themselves into when they come here. Not even me. Nobody knows there's no escaping this eternal Hell.

I was let out of that cell, but I'm not free. What even is free? What does it mean to be free? My body is free from pain, but nothing else is. My heart has shriveled into nothing and my soul died long ago. I make my way to my room and lay down on the bed. If I had any tears left to cry, I wonder if I'd be crying right now. I guess I'll never know. With that last thought, I fall asleep, knowing Hell awaits me when I wake up.

Shadow Of Akihito (boy x boy) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora