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We're all standing around the bus, waiting to board. Sensei's checking our names off and shooing away the students who aren't allowed to go. Of course Jubei is one of them. He glances at me awkwardly, before allowing me to get on. After that incident the other day during training, it's been strained between us. I want to apologize for what I said, but I don't know where to start. I can't say I didn't mean it, because that would be a lie. I meant every word I said and I can't take them back. I didn't mean to yell at him, but it doesn't change the facts.

I find a seat in the very front, somewhere the other students try to avoid. They'd rather be as far from any teachers as possible. And that's why I chose the spot I did. They'd also be as far from me as possible. Maybe that way, I'll be able to have a peaceful ride. Since they always manage to corner me any other time. When we arrive, Sensei goes through the rules again. I don't know why he bothers. The ones who want to break the rules will do it regardless of the punishment. 

Sensei leads us into the shrine. A nice lady greets us and begins the tour. She explains how the first demons tried to ruin the world and the first Warriors stepped up to stop them. She explains how these shrines and academies were built to help battle the creatures. I'm not exactly listening. Yoji's already told me most of this and some I learned by visiting the library. I like reading and I wanted to know more about the things that killed my parents. 

Sensei's phone starts ringing. The tour lady glares at him until he steps away and answers it. He talks in hushed tones with whoever is on the other side. He hangs up and returns to us. "I'm sorry, but I have to excuse myself. The bus has broken down and the driver needs my help or we're not getting back." He stares at us. "I want you all to stay with her and behave. I'll be back soon and if I hear you've been acting up..." He doesn't need to complete that sentence. He quickly departs.

In the back of our small group, Genjiro and his friends are talking animatedly. It's kind of annoying, but I don't dare say anything. With my horrible luck, I'd be the one scolded instead. I'd rather not get in trouble right now, even for telling off a bunch of bullies. Sure, I need to use my voice more often, but not if I get in trouble for it.

Luckily, the woman hears them and twirls around. "EXCUSE ME! I'm talking here and it's extremely rude of you to be talking as well! Now shut up and listen! You might actually learn something valuable! That's if your brains can understand that word!" Sheepishly, they gaze at the floor and she returns to the tour. I try my very hardest to conceal my grin. 

Suddenly, the woman's interrupted again by the sound of screaming. People are running from the courtyard to the doors in a panic. She huffs angrily. "What is going on now?" She walks forward, us close behind her, when we see why the people were running.

Standing in the courtyard, happily destroying everything, is a demon. It's about seven feet tall and solid black, except for its eyes. Those are solid white with no pupil. It doesn't have fingers, but claws coming from its palms. Its mouth is a gaping hole with serrated teeth like a shark. It's vaguely human shaped, but it look nothing like a human. It roars, an absolutely horrible sound.

"Blood...must have...blood...kill...all..." it whispers. All of my classmates are frozen in fear. We've been training for this, but we've never actually fought a demon before. With horror, I notice a little boy -about four years old- trapped behind the demon. 

"My son! Where's my little boy! Haru, come to mommy!" a woman behind me screams. My body moves on its own, snatching up a fallen wakizashi and running into the courtyard.

"Akihito, wait!" Suguru shouts. He tries to follow, but a part of the shrine falls and block his way.

"Hey! Look over here!" I call. Slowly, the demon looks at me. It opens its mouth, tongue slipping out and dripping saliva.

"Hungry...blood..." It stumbles towards me and I place two fingers of my left hand on my lips.

Then, I run these fingers along the blade from hilt to tip saying, "Bless this blade so that it may defend me in battle against evil." The blade glows red, licks of fire running along it. This ensures me that the blessing worked and the metal absorbed my essence. The demon lifts its arm and swipes down at me. I leap into the air, dodging its strike. As my body falls back down, I slash out.

The blade catches the demon's arm and it howls in pain. Where its skin had contact with my sword, it sizzles as if burned. It recoils back, not having expected I'd put up much of a fight. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the mother of the boy creeping towards him. She's carefully watching the demon as she inches along the wall. All I need to do is buy her enough time to free him and run. 

I swing my sword out and charge the demon. It tries to step on me, but I spin to the side. I use the wall of the shrine to launch myself into the air. If I can just stab its heart, it'll die and turn to ash. I can see the mark where its only vital spot is. The wakizashi isn't very strong, even with my essence, but it'll be strong enough for this.

"Watch out!" Suguru calls out. My body instinctively turns towards his voice rather than the demon. My momentary distraction is enough time. The demon's hand swipes, letting its own essence loose. Warriors could use their essence directly, but it takes a lot of practice beforehand and a lot of time to do. Also, it's very inaccurate. This isn't ideal during battle so that's where our swords come in. The only reason the demon was able to hit me was because my body was moving in one general direction that even its tiny reasoning skills could pinpoint.

Its essence hits me full in the chest and I go flying away. I smash into the wall of the shrine, leaving a huge dent in it. I feel some of my ribs snap and my head cracks against the brick. I fall face down, my sword landing in front of me. Through my blurry vision, I can tell its useless now. The demon's essence scraped it and shattered it completely. I blink, trying to clear my eyes. Vaguely, I realize there's a warmth running down my face and leaking into my eye.

I hear screaming and see the demon approaching the mom and her son. She's desperately trying to free him, but the demon's nearly to them. She won't get him out in time. I weakly make a fist, furious at myself. Come on, Akihito! Why are you so useless?! You can't even save them! I stare at the woman and I can see that she resembles my mother. And the little boy reminds me of myself. The memory of that night suddenly flashes into my mind.

"Akihito, listen to mommy, ok? I need you to run. Run from here and never look back." There's terror in her eyes and blood staining her face.

"Where's daddy?" I ask.

She begins to sob. "Just do what I say. Be a good boy and do as mommy says. We'll...we'll find you later."

"Mommy, don't go!" I call. She steps in front of me as a large, black figure enters the kitchen. It has a large gaping hole in its face that I assume is its mouth. Mom suddenly has a green glow surrounding her. Something appears in her hands and she leaps at the demon. Before she can get a hit in, there's a black needle-looking thing sticking through her chest. Her blood splatters my face and she makes these horrible gurgling sounds.

"MOMMY!" I scream.

I stretch my arm out, wanting to save the woman who's been long dead. The memory fades and the woman in front of me stops trying to free her son. She stands in front of him, blocking the demon's sight of him. Her face is fierce, though her eyes are wide with fear.

"Why can't...I do anything? Damn me...get up..." I can't let this happen. I'm not a helpless little boy anymore. I'm a Warrior and I'm going to save them if it's the last thing I do. The demon raises its arm. With a speed I didn't know I possessed, I'm in front of them. Instinctively, I raise my arms as if I'm holding a sword. The demon's brings its arm down, but it stops as if it hit an invisible wall.

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