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I've been sneaking around the academy, noting down the Headmaster's routine. He really does enjoy it. He's so organized. The creepy part is that he's kept my ribbon. It's in one of his nightstand drawers. I don't know why he kept it unless he knew I'd want it back. Maybe he's testing me, testing my loyalty to him. Or my skills. Well, that's something I'm going to pass.

He might be smart, but so am I. We'll see just who has the most intelligence in the end. And it'll be me because I won't accept anything less. Tricking him by taking my ribbon back will be the first step in my revenge against him. He doesn't even know the hatred I have burning in my gut for him. I've gotten good at masking my emotions. He thought he'd tamed me, made me just another robot, but all he did was make me seem that way. 

He's so proud of himself for hooking me. I can tell. But he's wrong in that respect. He doesn't really have me as his personal robot. He'll finally see that in the end, but I'll bide my time. I'll slowly build him up, make him feel important and powerful. Then, in a flash, I'll tear everything down. He'll never know what hit him. That's how I'll destroy him the way he did me. 

I'll make him pay for all of the evil he's done. Both him and Sensei. They're the ones torturing all these kids. I'll take all the pain they've cause, triple it, and throw it back in their faces. They'll know what they've done in the end. Will they regret it? That's the question. Do they even feel anything at all? It doesn't matter, they'll feel everything when I'm done with them. 

I slowly get close to the Headmaster. I do everything he says, which some things will never leave my memory. I don't even want to think about what he made me do. It takes so long to earn his trust, he's a careful man. However, he finally loosens up. Especially when he's drunk, which totally wasn't my fault at all. It seems he can't control himself when alcohol is near.

"Sir, let me take you to your room. You're drunk," I say.

"I'm not drunk," he slurs. He falls over when he's sitting. He stares at my with blurred eyes. "Or maybe I am."

"Let me help you. I don't want you walking down the stairs alone in this state."

"Such a good boy. You're my best student." I sling one of his arms around my shoulders and support most of his weight as we walk. Soon, I'll have my ribbon. And I might be able to find out what he cares most about.

"I don't think so. I'm not that great."

"But you are." He hiccups. "You're the most loyal."

"You know everything about me. But I hardly know anything about you. Why'd you decide to build this academy?" I'm hoping he's not as cautious when he's this smashed.

"I wanted the world to learn the truth. That emotions can't rule us. I'd lost everything and realized that my heart got in the way. I got people killed because of it."

It doesn't excuse what he's done. "I understand."

"Yes, you're the only one who does."

"Who did you lose? Every Warrior has a reason to fight. What's yours?"

"A demon killed my wife and child. I'd made so many mistakes with them and they died because of it. I'd never felt pain such as that. So, I vowed to feel nothing else."

"That's logical."

"I also got all of my comrades killed. When I tried to save my family, I took too many stupid risks. They gave their lives for my idiocy. So, if I don't care about anything, I can't get hurt again. But I care about you, Akihito."

Bingo, there's my advantage. "You're a very good Headmaster. I care about you." I set him down on his bed. "Now get some rest and sleep off the alcohol. We need you sober tomorrow, sir."

"Yes, I know. You're my protege. You'll be my successor."

I want to grimace, but refrain and keep my expression neutral. "It would be my honor. If you really think I'm worthy."

"You're the most worthy and exceptional child I've ever met. You remind me...of my son..." Then, he's snoring away. I try not to frown. I hope to hell his kid wasn't cold and cruel. I pull a cheap ribbon I'd bought, open his nightstand drawer, take my tie, and leave the replacement. He'd only notice if he stares at it hard and long enough. Even I can barely tell the difference. I look down at the passed out man with icy eyes. 

His room is bare. There's no pictures or knickknacks scattered around. There's nothing to indicate somebody lives in here except for the clothes in the closet and shoes by the door. It's as empty as his heart. A person's bedroom shows who they really are. His room is extremely neat and clean. It's unnerving being in here. Quickly, with one last glance at the sleeping figure, I exit the room.

I return to my dorm and hide my ribbon with the picture of my friends and I. I stare at it a minute before I cover it back up. I won't let him take any more from me. I'll make him think he's taken everything, but I'll still hold some things close to me. He wants everyone in the world to feel as miserable as he does. I won't let him succeed. Even if I lose what's left of my heart, I'll trick him into shredding what he holds dear. I won't take anything from him, I'll make him take it from himself. In the very end, he'll realize it was his own doing. 

I watch him unravel himself until there's nothing. That's my plan. He'll lose everything and he'll have no one to blame but himself. After all, he's the one who took from me first. He tried to ruin me, but I didn't let him. He tried to destroy me, but I'll turn it back on him. All he did was make me even stronger, even more furious. I clench my fists. I need patience, but I'm starting to run thin on that. Just a little longer, Akihito, I tell myself. Oh yes, revenge is near at hand.  

Shadow Of Akihito (boy x boy) COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя