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A/N: I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I literally have no excuse except that I'm lazy and easily distracted. It's perfectly ok if you slap me. And sorry for all the song links, but I just feel as if they add to the story a bit. Maybe it's just me. But, let me know if they get annoying. And don't forget to comment, even if it's stupid! I need a laugh every now and then. I've been having a hard time recently, not that it matters to anyone, but anything to make me smile is nice. Anyway, don't listen to my stupid rambling and just prepare for another chapter!

I feel so tired right now. They nearly caught me. I've been running nonstop since this morning. I need a break, but I don't dare stop. I wish he'd stop pursuing me long enough for my plan to begin. He really is a persistent bastard. I knew that already, but I wish he wasn't. I've had too many close calls already and I can't be caught. Not this early in the game.

As I narrowly avoid Nishimura again, an old woman spots me in the alleyway. I place a finger to my lips, hoping she'll take the hint. She nods her head, showing she understands, and looks around the corner. I hear Nishimura asking some people about me. Thankfully, they didn't see me.

"In here," the lady whispers, pointing at the back way to a bakery. Without thought, I follow her inside. "You can stay in here until they're gone. I've closed up shop for today."

I blink at her, confused. "Why are you helping me?"

"I know about that man. I know what he really is."

"What? How?"

Her eyes are sad. "I sent my son there, thinking it was the best place for him to learn to control his power. He came back to me dead. They'd tortured him until they killed him. And that man, that professor, just smiled thinly at me. Like my son's life didn't matter one bit to him. If you're running from him, then you're trying to stop him, right?"

I jerk my head. "Yeah. I'm going to end him. One way or another."

"Then you must have attended as well." She glances at my sympathetically. "I hope you succeed..."

"My name's Akihito."

"I wish you luck, Akihito. You can stay here as long as you need."

"Don't be silly. I'm not staying here long. There's no telling what he'd do to you if he found out you helped me. Besides, I have a plan I need to complete. It'll bring him down. And I can't do it here."

"But you need rest. You look exhausted. Sleep the night here. Then you leave in the morning."

I smile at her. "Thank you. You're too kind."

"No, you are, Akihito. You must be starving." She goes into the front and returns with a few things. Together, we eat in silence. I may not have known her son, but I still feel his death. That's another one to add to Nishimura's kill count. It's another reason I need to end him and fast. And I know the perfect way. I'll have to sneak back into the school and get as many students on my side as possible. If I can get them to rise up against him, he'll receive a huge shock. Oh, he'd really hate that. It won't be easy, but I'll make it happen. I just need to be stealthy and not get captured.

Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to get back while Nishimura is still out looking for me. I won't have much time before he realizes where I've gone, though. I'll have to be quick. I just need to keep running from him until I get my chance. I'm not a coward and I hate doing this, but I'm not ready to put my plan into action quite yet. When everything's set, then I can drop the bomb on him. Until then, I'll just keep going.

As I'm playing this cat-and-mouse game with him, I realize that I'm also running from myself and the things I've done. I'm just a shadow of my former self now. I may not be cold and emotionless like before, but I'm still not the person I used to be. No, Nishimura changed me. The day I was sent to that school, my future was changed. That day, no matter what else happened afterwards, would've led to this outcome. I'm not surprised my friends hate me. In fact, they're completely entitled.

I left them four years ago and they never heard from me. When they finally saw me again, I was pretty much a robot. Of course they'd hate me for that. Especially after all the promises I made to them. I've broken every single one of them and I have no excuses for that. I hate myself, more than anyone else ever could. I'll never forgive myself for any of it. It's all my fault and I'll carry that guilt for the rest of my life. 

I shake those thoughts away. Right now, I need to keep a clear head and get some sleep. I'll be off again in the morning. And I'll need all my energy to do what needs to be done. I'll take the kindness from this lady and I'll get revenge for her child. She can be assured of that. Even if it kills me, which it most likely will, I'll make Nishimura feel all the pain he's caused. 

Previously, I haven't been able to do anything. I was so weak then. But not anymore. I'll use every ounce of strength I have to end this, once and for all. Even if it means losing who I am in the process. If I have to become as heartless as Nishimura, then I will. I'll do anything to make him fall. I don't care what happens to me. I deserve any kind of punishment anyways. But I won't let him hurt anyone else.

The only thing I won't do is sacrifice someone. I'll never again do that. I'll sacrifice myself, because I don't matter. My life means nothing and neither does my death. I have nothing left to lose besides my friends. Even if they despise me, I won't let them get hurt, because I still care about them. My life means nothing compared to theirs. And it certainly means nothing compared to thousands of lives. So, yes, I'm prepared for death. You can even say I'm expecting it. After all I've done, surely the powers above won't let me go unpunished.

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