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It turns out that I was right. Suguru's leg isn't broken. Nurse Fuka patched him and all the others who were injured. Thankfully, none of the wounds were serious. Suguru still looks angry at me when I meet back up with him. I don't blame him for that. How could I?

"You better have a good explanation, Akihito," he says.

Yoji touches his shoulder. "Suguru, you should come back later when you're calm. I need to talk to Akihito for a minute anyway." Yoji glances at Emiko too. Both walk away, leaving Yoji and I alone. He doesn't face me, instead he gazes out over the school. "It's been four years. You never even called. Do you know what that did to your friends?"

The guilt is immense in my heart, but I don't want to show it. You get tortured if you do. The memories of my friends' dead bodies flashes through my mind. I shrug. "No, I don't. I wasn't here."

His gaze flickers to me for a second before returning to where it was before. "This isn't like you. You're...colder than you used to be. Why is that? I thought you wanted to come back as soon as possible. Now, that doesn't seem to matter to you."

"The only thing that matters is killing demons."

This time, he does face me. "That's exactly what I mean. We used to be close. You're like a son to me."

"You're not my father. I had one, but he's dead. You were just a substitute when I needed someone." Hurt flashes through his eyes. What am I saying? This isn't what I wanted to say.

"Whether or not you care, you're still my son. Why are you being so cruel?" He glances at my hair. "You even kept my ribbon. So, why are you acting like this? Is it to get back at me for sending you away?"

I turn away. Oh, if only I could blame him. It would be so much easier. "Do you think I care where you send me? I'm just a pawn, right? I go where I'm told, that's all."

"You know I'd never think that!" His voice rises. "I care about you! I was trying to help you! Why won't you let me?"

"I don't need your help." I'm crying inside. Why can't I say what I really mean? Why am I breaking his heart along with mine? I don't want to be like Nishimura. 

"I see. Well, I'll still be here if you decide you do. I'd never turn you away." With that, Yoji leaves. I grab the balcony railing. Although I'm in the courtyard, it's night now so there's no one else around. My grip on the railing tightens when I recent the conversation Yoji and I had. Why did I say those things? I don't blame him for what happened at Nishimura Academy, so why would I say such horrible things?

Although my heart is tearing apart, I don't show it on my face. I've been around Nishimura for too long. I'm starting to become what he wants. I'm turning into him. Why am I allowing this to happen? Is my revenge on him really so important that I'd risk losing myself? Maybe it's time to end my charade and take him down. I can't risk continuing this. But if I end it now, it may not be as effective. It doesn't matter. 

I turn and decide to find somewhere to sleep for the night. My tie slips out, having little hair to keep it in. Of course, that's when I notice Suguru standing in a nearby doorway. He picks up my ribbon, staring at it. Then, he proceeds to put my hair back up. The memory of the last time he did this comes back. So much has changed since then and at the same time, nothing's changed. 

"Your hair's so short now. It's weird. Why did you cut it?"

"I didn't. You know I loved my long hair." His look is questioning. I continue, "Headmaster Nishimura made me cut it. He said that it made me look like a girl and it could cause problems if it got caught in battle."

"I guess that's logical." Maybe, but it's also cold. That pretty much sums up Nishimura. He'll be coming after me and the first place he'll look is here. So, I'll spend the night before leaving. I can't take the chance of getting caught yet. He'll definitely skin me for running.

He turns me around to inspect his work. "Four years," he mutters.

"Yeah. A lot has changed. And yet, everything's still the same."

"We had to change when you never came back, never called. You made a promise, Aki, but you broke that. We trusted that you'd keep it." And I had intended to. But, so many things happened, things I'd never put into the equation. 

"Things change," I respond. "People change."

"I guess that's true. But you promised to not let that place change you."

"I realized I was wrong. This whole time, I had never really known the truth. Look at me, Suguru. I'm able to enter my Form and use my essence directly without hurting anyone. I learned at that Nishimura. I understand everything now." What am I saying?

"Akihito! How can you say that?!" Emiko suddenly speaks up. I wonder how long she's been listening.

I spin around to see her furious face. "It's true. Nishimura taught me a lot."

"Did they teach you to forget about your friends?! That you have to be so cruel?!" Actually, yes it did. But I can't say that. I can't tell them about the horror I saw there. If they did believe me, it would only scar them as well as me. No, I can't tell them.

"I'll be leaving in the morning. So, I should get some sleep. All of us should."

"You're leaving again?!" She looks close to tears.

"Yeah. I have business to attend to." My revenge needs to be carried out. However, I need to keep running first. I'm not quite ready to put my plan into action. And I can't do anything if I get caught early. Yes, I'll have to leave early. Even if it hurts my friends again. I need to finish what I started before I can be myself again. 

Shadow Of Akihito (boy x boy) COMPLETEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt