Sent Away

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I wake up, yet again, in the infirmary. I sigh heavily, sick of seeing this place. Why am I always the one staying in here? Why do I always end up injured? I shake these thoughts away weakly. They don't matter right now. I need to see if everyone's okay. I gingerly sit up and look around. I see two figures in beds beside me, both heavily bandaged. It's Emiko and Suguru! So, they're alive.

I let out a breath, but I suck it in again when Yoji walks in. He's also heavily bandaged and behind him, Sensei looks the same. They're walking carefully, as if each step hurts. I stare at them as they make their way over to me. I can see the pain in their eyes, though they try to hide it. Emiko and Suguru are still unconscious. I can tell it's night, from the fact that there's no light filtering in from the windows.

Yoji stops at the end of the cot. "Good. You're awake. How do you feel?"

I stare at the bandages. "I did that, didn't I?"

"Unfortunately, yes. You lost control of your power and burned everything."

"How bad is it?"

"They're not life-threatening."

"How bad?" I repeat.


I close my eyes tightly. I'd expected that answer, but I was hoping I wouldn't hear it. "How did I do that? I thought using our Weapon was the only way to kill a demon."

"That's why we use weapons. Because directly using our essence could have disastrous consequences. Focusing it into our weapons ensures that only our target will be wounded."

"I didn't even know our power could harm other Warriors."

"Sadly, this isn't a video game. We can't just turn off friendly fire." 


"However, there are some people who can use their essence directly without harming comrades," Sensei continues. "It's very difficult and training is brutal, but they manage it. And only a few people are actually able to master the ability. Only ones with a very strong essence can control it."

Yoji shoots him a strange look. "That's true. And I'm one." Sensei returns this strange look. "Anyway, you should-"

"What is it?" I interrupt. "I know you're hiding something from me."

"Just tell him," Sensei says. "He deserves to know now, not later."

"But he's tired, injured, and feeling guilty. It can wait." They continue, ignoring me.

"Hey, I'm still here!" They face me again. "Just tell me."

Yoji sighs and sits on the side of the cot. "Your essence is extremely powerful and needs to be properly trained. Unfortunately, we don't have enough knowledge here to give you that. However, there is a school that does. We're transferring you there in a few days so you can learn from the ones who've been through what you have."

"Wait," I sit up straighter. "You're sending me away? To a completely different school?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, but it's for your own good."

"But, what about my friends?"

"This will be better for them. You can get a handle on your power and you won't run the risk of hurting them again. I'm sorry, Akihito, but it's too dangerous to keep you here right now. My priority will always be the students as a whole. I love you like my own son, but I have to send you away now."

"You can't do that! You can't just force me to leave!"

"Yes, we can."

"You're the only father I've ever known and you're sending me to a bunch of strangers?! I was finally getting used to being here and you're kicking me out?!"

"Don't you think I know that?!" I reel back, shocked. He's rarely ever raised his voice in anger. "Don't you think it's killing my to do this?! I hate myself for it, but I don't have a choice! You always listen to me, can't you do it one more time?!" He takes a deep breath, calming down. He looks away, but I can see the tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Yoji, but this is just so unfair."

He exhales. "Oh, my dear Akihito, life is never fair. If it was, none of you would be here. You'd all be with your families." He stands up. "We'll let you recover before we send you to Nishimura Academy." Then, they exit silently. I'm left there wondering what I'm going to do. I don't want to leave. I've finally made some friends and people are starting to respect me. I'm finally learning to stand up for myself and I'm not bullied anymore. What will I do in a strange place where I'll have to do all of this again?

What's that school going to be like? Are the teachers more strict there? Are they less caring and approachable? Will the students be like that? How big is the school? Will I have to be in class with more than twenty students? I know nothing about the place and I don't want to know, because I don't want to leave. But I have to, so I'll need all the information I can get. 

Tears of bitterness streams down my cheeks. Why does my life always have to be like this? Why can't I just have it easy like most people? I'm a completely normal person with extraordinary power. I just want to have a happy life, not one drowning in misery. My life's been really hard, isn't that enough pain? All I've been through isn't enough yet? Do I have to go through more agony? Is the world not satisfied yet?

I take a deep breath and wipe away my tears. Now isn't the time to loathe my life. Now, I have to stay strong and get through this. It's all I can do, since I'm not capable of giving up. So, I'll weather this just like anything else. I'll make sure I quickly gain control of my essence so I can come back here. I won't let that school change me, no matter what. I like it here and I'm not going to stay away for long.

I turn my head and stare at Suguru and Emiko's sleeping forms. Don't worry, friends. I won't be gone long. I hope you don't miss me too much. I wonder if I'll even be able to tell them. I don't think I could stand saying goodbye, it sounds so final. But, I can't just skip out without saying anything. That would be worse. I sigh. I wish I had Suguru's confidence. But, here I am, self-conscious and lame. I'll tell them, but I need time to gather myself and find the right words. But I only have a few days to accomplish that. Oh God, what am I going to do?

Shadow Of Akihito (boy x boy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now