Forever Doesn't Last Forever 33

Start from the beginning

"Stop it Adyson!! She's changed, rather you believe me or not is your problem. But don't bitch about it just because I didn't pick you. She may have been the bitch, but look at yourself now."

I walk away.

"I'll get you back Dylan McKenna."

"Okay sure." I just chuckle and keep walking.


~~~~ June 4th 1:30 ~~~~

I get to the court room early to sign some papers and stuff.

Dylan and Berkley come with me of course.

I'm practically peeing my pants I'm so nervous.

I just want this to be over. I'm praying to god and my Aunt AJ for support and to have the judge declare me full custody if Berkley.

He's my son. He deserves the best. And I've been for the past 5 years been trying to give him that. They should know that by now.

My 'mom' is a psychotic bitch who drinks her pain away and is high 98% of the time.

She thinks I'm an unfit parent? She's a low life who acts younger than me, and I'm a teenager.


~~~~ June 4th 2:00 ~~~~

"This trial is beginning." the judge says. "You have one less shot to prove your case before i announce the person who gets full custody and the expectations for the person who does not."

"Helen Harding, your first."

"Thank you your honor." She says standing up.

"AJ is to young to take care of this child. I am an adult and I love my son very much." She sits down.

"That's all your honor."

Really mom that's the best you can do? That's all your gonna fight? Pathetic.

"AJ Anderson. you're up."

"Thank you your honor," I say standing up.

I look over at Dylan and Berkley.

"I'm definitely not to young to take care of Berkley. In case you hadn't notice your honor, my 'mom' abandoned me when I was young. I've been taking care if Berkley his whole life because that job wasn't filled by the suppose to be 'adult' she is unfit. When I was little and still now to this day. My mom would (and still does) get drunk, she drinks her emotions away, and 98% of the time she's high because that's what she spends her money on. She lives in a trailer park and does nothing to help herself. How could she care for this little boy who needs support 24-7.?! And he's not her son. He's my son. I bet you didn't know this, but I had Berkley because I was rapped. Yeah I was rapped, and my 'mom' never thought it was a good idea to tell me. She knew Berkley was my son all along your honor. Berkley deserves the best, and she definitely is not it," I start to sit down. "That's all your honor."

"I am your mom AJ and I'm Berkley's mom no matter who gave birth to him."

"You're most definitely not my mother, you're a bitch. And you in no way deserve to watch Berkley grow up,"

"AJ do not talk to me like that you little whore. I am your mother!!!"

"Actually Allison Jordan Anderson is your mother." Someone yells as they walk in the court room.

"Dad?" I say.

"What the hell are you talking about Scott?" My mom says.

"AJ, your Aunt AJ is your birth mom, I was with her before your mom."

"You dick!" my mom yells.

"Order! Order in the court!" The judge screams.

"AJ who is this?" He asks.

"Your honor this is my father, Scott David Anderson."

"Take a seat sir please," my dad sits with Dylan and Berkley. "Thank you."

My dad nods.

"We have come to a conclusion. This state court grants full custody to the real mother of Berkley Dylan Anderson. AJ Nicole Anderson."

"As for Helen Harding, you may not see Berkley unless you are given permission from AJ."

"WHAT!!!" She screams.

"Thank you your honor!" I smile and go over and hug Berkley, Dylan, and my dad tightly. I start to cry happy tears.

"This court session is over." He hits his mallet.

I can't believe this is happening!!!

Everything will be okay now. We're a family.


~~~~ Outside of the Court House ~~~~

"AJ!" I hear someone scream.

"You cannot keep me from Berkley!!" my mom screams.

"Oh you see mom, but I can. and I swear if you ever try and see him again or come near my family I will call the cops and make sure you rot in jail just like you should."

"Scott do something!" She yells.

"Oh but Helen, I got my happy ending. It's not my fault you didn't." he shrugs and smiles at me.

"I'm so proud of you babe." he kisses me on the forehead.

"You're a little bitch AJ, just like your Aunt. I was the drunk driver that night when she died. I killed Allison Jordan Anderson!" She yells.

Police rush right over.

"Helen Harding your under arrest for the murder of Allison Jordan Anderson."

"You killed her!!!" Tears flow from my face.

"How could you?" I say with tears coming out.

"Oh you see my dear. It was so easy."

"You bitch!! Die in hell." I say.

"Helen, you are the reason AJ is dead? I can't believe I married a murder bitch. Rot in hell." My dad yells.

I cry into Dylan's arms. She killed her.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." Dylan whispers as he hugs Berkley and I tight.

How do I know if it will be?

I keep crying.

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