Forever Doesn't Last Forever 13

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Chapter 13 (Hurting)

Hayden and I have gotten a lot closer in the past couple months. Wow I can't believe I said a couple months. I've lived with him and his grandparents and sister for about 3 months now, it's been going good I just feel like I'm happier, but I can't forget about Trinity.

The sad thing is I want to be happy, but I don't know if I can be. I miss her so much, and I don't want to forget about her.


(Trinity in Heaven)

Scottland. You're not going to forget about me if you're happy. Don't dwell on my death, you need to be happy and become the person you want to be.

I know you feel like you'll forget me, but you won't. Even when your happy or sad. I will always be with you. Through everything.

Scottland, Hayden loves you. Don't you see that?! Be happy and let him in!! I know you love him too.


Hayden loves me?

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