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The sound of the horn was heard, spreading over Kattegat

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The sound of the horn was heard, spreading over Kattegat. Ubbe and his brother made their way to the docks as well as the rest of Kattegat. Their eyes kept roaming over the masses of people, trying to find Vál but she had been gone for days. Their eyes landed on Lagertha and Astrid who stood proudly by the dock, ready to greet Ragnar and Ivar. Their boats sailed quickly towards Kattegat and the masses were waiting eagerly.

However much to everyones surprise Ragnar was no where to be seen. Ivar sat on the main boat, wet and dirty as the boats stopped by the dock. Lagerthas eyes was roaming over the boats quickly, trying to find Ragnar but failed. Ragnar Lothbrok was nowhere to be seen. Ubbe and Sigurd quickly ran up to the boat where Ivar sat defeatedly to help him get out from the large boat. Lagertha walked up to them as they wrapped Ivar's arms around their shoulders.

"Where's your father? Where's Ragnar?" Lagertha asked quickly, anxiety filled her body as Aslaugs words rung in her ears. She didn't want to believe the old Queen's prophecies but Ragnar was gone but Ivar was back.

"He was captured by King Ecbert and and given to King Aella." Ivar said and looked to the ground. Lagertha quickly left them, Astrid and another woman followed her to the great hall as Ubbe and Sigurd helped Ivar to get to their cabin in the forest. Ivar's body was exhausted, heart racing and his mind was spinning. His brothers sat him down by the table in the hunting cabin and Ivar frowned when he looked around.

"Why are we here?" Ivar asked his brothers who exchanged glances, both of them knew how close Ivar was with Aslaug, their mother had always been by Ivar's side since he was born, always helping him with everything. She had been treating him like a baby for too long which they both knew and it had carved its marks in Ivar's head and heart.

"We're not safe in Kattegat anymore." Ubbe said and Ivar frowned.

"Mother's dead." Sigurd said and silence engulfed them. Ivar felt sadness filling his body, pain and rage filled him as well. The pain he was used to but not the level of sadness and rage.

"How?" Ivar asked with a frown. His eyes moved from each brother as neither one of them spoke. His question hung in the air for too long and Ivar slammed his fist ont he table, making both brothers wince. "How!?"Ivar repeated himself, yelling as his body oozed anger.

"Lagertha killed her." Ubbe said and sat down opposite his youngest brother, Sigurd taking a seat next to him. "Vál is gone and we might think she's got something to do with it." Ubbe continued and Ivar clenched his jaw as he frown.

"Why would she be involved? I didn't think of Lagertha as someone to hire one for murdering her enemies." Ivar asked and Ubbe rolled his eyes.

"Think about it yourself Ivar. Vál came back after ten years without a real good motivation, Lagertha arrived right behind her. Vál is an assassin who kills anything no matter if it's a slave, christian or king." Ubbe began and Ivar glared at him.

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