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As soon as the sun raised over Kattegat everyone started to prepare for Björn's departure to Paris

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As soon as the sun raised over Kattegat everyone started to prepare for Björn's departure to Paris. Vál had gotten dressed in her usual attire, fixing her leather jacket before leaving her cabin. The wind blew slightly in her face when she walked towards the shore to watch everyone getting ready for the departure. Her long hair was braided in the usual two dutch braids. She crossed her arms over her shoulders when she stood there on the edge of the shore, watching all the ships slowly getting ready.

"Have you changed your mind?" Someone spoke from behind her which caused her to place over her shoulder to find Harald walked up to her. She only looked back to the ships without a word.

"No. Even if I wanted to come Björn wouldn't want me there." She said and squinted her eyes when she focused on three men further out on the dock, talking rather loudly. Harald chuckled slightly as he looked at her.

"There's always room on my ships and who's on board is out of his power to decide." Harald said and she rolled her eyes before looking at him.

"Thank you for your offer but I shall be waiting here." She said before walking towards the great hall to find some of the sons. She couldn't understand why Harald wanted her to come with them on the trip to the Mediterranean. Their trip would be longer and even more exhausting if she joined with Björn. Even if they were in a good place right now, it was only good. Things might turn infected once more and they would waste their time arguing. Right outside the great hall she stopped when she heard her name being mentioned. It was the younger sons and hearing what they were talking about made it clear that they were alone inside.

"You've got to have thought about it at least once brother!?" Hvitserk teased Ivar who rolled his eyes and Sigurd glared at him with a raised brow.

"Cripple or not you've thought about Vál at least once!" Sigurd added and she dropped her jaw.

"I have, many times." Ubbe confessed and smirked.

"Like who hasn't? She's insanely hot. Harald and Halfdan is ogling her, father as well and Björn, even if he might never admit it. He's the only one who's actually been with her that lucky man." Hvitserk blurred out and Vál's eyes widen as her cheeks got stained in pink in embarrassment. She knew the younger sons didn't know about her and Ragnar's encounter years ago. She couldn't believe their conversation, it paralyzed her completely, it also made her stomach turn. "So come on Ivar, I've bet you've thought about it once or twice." He taunted his youngest brother.

"Once or twice." Ivar confessed which made his brothers whistle and holler.

"I think she was my first real love." Ubbe confessed and Vál raised her brows from outside. "Margrethe is good and all that but Vál she's..."

"If there still wasn't something between her and Björn because we all know it, I think I would have a pretty good chance with her." Hvitserk said confidently and his brothers laughed but they soon stopped when Vál walked inside with a frown on her face.

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