[ROMANCE] SAVING SAWYER by Chaoticcupcakes [Mature]

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  SAVING SAWYER by Chaoticcupcakes  

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  SAVING SAWYER by Chaoticcupcakes  

Sawyer, the one man who always stops by the ballon shop. The only one who caught Fraser, the ballon man eyes. In a town where everyone Whispers gossip and rumours about Fraser and what they consider un-normal. Fraser tries to seem like he doesn't care. Sawyer is optimistic and decides to help Fraser see the bright side in life.

Beginning Fraser's biggest whirlwind of choices and mission to save Sawyer.

- His story is LGBT+ and is centered around Fraser living in small town near NY in the present age (give or take a year), that is full of prejudices. One day the balloon shop, he is working in, is visited by Sawyer who starts to turn Fraser's daily routine upside down. I enjoyed this story greatly, it reflects human fears and shows how trivial or small things can have big impact and meaning on one's life. (Witto150)

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