Fun Stuff About the Baes

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Random fun facts about the OCs and possible the bae AOT characters. Also, I did a quick and crappy sketch of Anna and Levi up there, hehe.


Things Anna Says:

•“Today I'll be wearing the lovely shade of sleep deprivation so none of y'all fuck with me or I'll make your death look like an accident.”

•“I'm not an expert or anything...but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that guy's dead. Get it? Out on a limb? ‘Cause he's missing”

•“Oh, hi! Uh... don't mind all the blood!”

•“After several minutes of projectile bleeding I have finally reached the conclusion that I've been shot.”

•“Unfortunately the best of the best died so I'm stuck commanding the best of the mediocre. All of whom are dying.”

•“If I die tonight, Hanji gets to use my organs for her experiments. Except for my middle finger. That goes to the people of Marley.”

•“It's just blood, not nuclear waste. Chill your tits.”

•“Oh, we're surrounded? Yay! We can attack in any direction now!”

•“I'd like to apologize to everyone I've ever hurt. I'm sorry I didn't kill you. I'll do better next time.”

•“So...I see that you stabbed do you want your sword back or can I keep it?”

•“Shiru ka.” (I don't give a fuck) 知るか。

•“Anata ga hoshi.” (I want you) あなたが保しい。

•“Hoka no daremo ashita koto nante nai.” (I've never loved anybody else) 他のだれも愛したことなんてない。

•“Omae ga kowai to kanjiru sore ni nareba, kyoufu wa nakunaru.” (If you become what you fear, the fear will fade.) あ前が怖いと感じるそれになれば、恐怖はなくなる。

Things Rose says:

•“In my defense... I have no excuse.”

•“I know, right? All I said was I'm not half the girl I used to be and Jean starts bawling! Who the hell is Marco?! Why do I care?!”

•“Oh, sorry, is this one of those times where I sit down with a clipboard and ask you how your day was, Ms. Kasahara? Hm, how do you feel when Levi is without a shirt?”

•“That isn't what we were doing? I thought that was what we were doing. You're saying that's not what you said we're doing and now we're doing this thing? Oh, I thought you said we were doing the other thing. No, no, no the THING. The OTHER thing!”

•“It wasn't me! You totally didn't see someone with pink hair stab a guy."

•"Rawr, bitch, rawr. Oh, I'm not scary enough? Hang on a sec while I turn into a Titan real quick and eat you like pretzel stick.”

•“Attends...quoi?” (Wait...what?)

•“Le couer a ses raisons.” (The heart has its reasons)

•“...Kch...personne n’a survécu...” (...kch...none survived)


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