Nothing Can Be More Sweeter

Start from the beginning

~ Flash Back ~

"So . . . " I say, awkwardly to James.

We had just find out that we were mates.

I was so happy as any girl could be. Because why? Because James Kingwood is the Alpha of the pack. ALSO he's rich, tall, and every single girl had at least one fantasy about him. He was the school's player, but he was my mate!

I was so happy and excited because I finally had found my mate after all these years. I just couldn't wait to tell my mother and father when I get home from school today! And everyone else in the pack!

"So . . . " He says.

"We're mates," I say.

I want to smile, but I don't because it doesn't feel right. Like, I shouldn't smile right now because everything is so serious right now. But I want to smile so bad, though!

I tried to fight my smile until James said something.

"I can't be mates with you," He tells me, suddenly.

What?! I thought. My heart breaks and shatters. I look at him.

"I'm rejecting you," He says. He says it like the sky's blue or the grass is green or something. He sounded so causal when he said it.

I can't believe it. I can't believe that my mate is rejecting me! This isn't suppose to happen! Mates never reject each other.

But you know better than that don't you, Lily?My wolf tells me.

Shut up, I growl to her in my head.

"I can't be mates with you," He tells me again. He opens his mouth like he was about to say something, but he pauses, and thinks. Like he trying to decided what to say to me or something like that.

"I can't be mates with you because," He says, "you're not my mate."

I stare at him in disbelief.

"Of course we are!" I tell him. "Can't you tell?"

He shakes his head. "You can't be my mate because my mate would be," He looks at me up and down and shakes his head, "my mate would be beautiful and pretty and hot. Not like you. You're like not beautiful, not pretty and defiantly not hot." He tells me. And when he tells me this, hear this, he doesn't even blink. When he was saying it, he looked me in the eye and told me. Just like that.

I clench my fist together. I will not cry. I will not cry. I repeat over and over in my head.

Too late.

Tears start coming out of my eyes.

"My mate wouldn't be this," He gestures to me. "My mate would be -- "

"I get it," I snapped at him. "I'm not beautiful, I'm not pretty, I'm not hot, as you said and made clear. I'm not smart. I'm not popular. I'm a geek. A nerd. A loser. And an outcast." I tell him. My fist are clench so tight that my knuckles are white and my finger nails are digging into my skin, causing blood to come out of my hands.

"What do you expect me to be?" I tell him.

He opens his mouth, but I cut him off.

"Oh, I see it now," I say, "you want me to be one of those slut whores, don't you? You want me to be one of those pretty blonde, brunett's with the big boobs is that it? You want me to be one of them? Well, no sir, I am not one of those slut bitches. I will  never be one of them." 

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