Chapter 15 Baby Dragons and Hagrid

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Chapter 15

 The day after the match I was feeling like a bag of poop. I didn't realize how many punches Draco and his goons landed. After laying in bed for what felt like hours I headed to breakfast. Harry and Ron were still at the table, Ron on his third plate, and they frantically motioned me to sit by them. I was too beat up to remember I was angry at them so I sat next Harry.

"Jess there's something I need to tell you." Harry whispered. "Now you may think I'm lying, but I'm not. I promise."

Harry then proceeded to tell me about how he overheard Snape threatening Quirrel in the Forbidden Forest. Also how Snape has been trying to get the Sorcecer's Stone, which was proven by what Harry overheard.

When Harry finished telling me everything my jaw fell open. I can't believe Snape would do that.

"I-I gotta go, bye." I croaked, stumbling from the table. I fled the Great Hall, not caring that everyone was staring at me. I fled to my favorite location that I can easily access, a tree by the lake. When I finally reached my tree I broke down completely. How could Snape do such a thing? I trusted him, I've stood up for him, repeatedly. Why?

I was sobbing for a while, when I realized something.

"Snape already knows how to get past Fluffy!" I exclaimed in joy. "I told him when I was bandaging up his leg. Also Quirrel was doing some sort of spell when Harry was buckling on his broom. What if Quirrel is working for someone who wants the stone?"

I got up and started pacing. My brain was working overboard. "Maybe Snape is protecting the stone. I mean Dumbledore trusts him, and he's so nice to me. Plus he couldn't have let the troll in because he was too worried for me at the end. Quirrel did seem upset about the troll being hurt."

A million thoughts bounced around my head. I was beginning to get a headache, so I composed myself and went on like nothing had happened. The thoughts were still with me, but I tried to focus on other things.

Since I skipped the second half of first year I had loads of work to do, and a bunch of studying for finals. They were ten weeks away and I was beginning to stress. Hermione was feeling the heat too, it seemed. My teachers were loading me down with work, but I was finishing it still quicker than the others in my grade. I was loaded down with work during Easter break, but I did chose my extra classes for the next year. I chose Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies, Muggle Studies was for an easy A.

I was in the library later with the boys studying, when Hagrid came in. I paid him no attention and continued studying. I was so engrossed in my studying that I didn't even hear the whole conversation between Hagrid and the boys or even the conversation between the boys and Mione!

They had to slam a book on the table to get my attention, and they caught me up in the hour before we went to Hagrid's hut.

As we approached his hut I was a bit surprised to see his curtains all down, the whole time that I've been at Hogwarts his curtains have always been up. We knocked on the door and instead of immediately opening the door he called out, "Who is it?" before he let us in. After we told him he opened the door enough for us to enter then slammed it behind us.

Outside was really warm, but Hagrid's hut was burning hot. He had a fire roaring in the grate, which just was making me sweat. Hagrid made us lovely tea and offered us sandwiches, which we refused.

“So — yeh wanted to ask me somethin’?” 

  “Yes,” said Harry. There was no point beating around the bush. “We were wondering if you could tell us what’s guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone apart from Fluffy.” 

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