I grinned, knowing that Nana would be happy with those parts. I kept going up, searching for another name I knew. My breath stopped when I spotted my own in two places.

Snow Queen- Cadenza Zvahl
Dew Drop- Cadenza Zvahl

I wanted to scream right there, so excited for these parts. I was Clara last year, and I knew I wasn't Sugar Plum material. So to get these parts just made me so happy. I looked to see if Aaron was my partner, but I didn't see his name. My heart skipped a beat when I realized what that meant. I looked at the top and saw two names I didn't dare hope to see at the top.

Cavalier- Aaron Lycan
Sugar Plum Fairy- Aphmau Phoenix

I turned to look at him and laughed at his slack jaw expression.

"Congratulations!" I hugged him, grinning against his shirt. "You totally deserve this!" He laughed, hugging me back.

"You too Cadenza. Irene, I didn't expect this..." I laughed again, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me.

"Come on! Let's go tell Aphmau!" He nodded, and Nana joined us, skipping the whole way there.

It took us about ten minutes to get back to the dorms, and by then Nana was practically bouncing off of the walls. We rode the elevator up to the tenth floor and stepped out. My grin hadn't gone away; I think it actually got bigger.

"What room is she?" Nana pointed to the door all the way at the end. I could see purple and blue letters on the door smiled. It was good to know she got along with her roommate. "Do you know who her roommate is Nana?" She shook her head, swinging her bag to the other shoulder.

"I've been over a few times, but her roommate, Dottie I think, was always out." I nodded, walking down the hallway with a hop in my step. Aaron followed, and I could tell that he was starting to clam up. I elbowed him in the side, causing him to shake his head and roll his eyes.

We arrived at door J69 and Aaron knocked, leaning back so that he was standing behind me and Nana. "Aph!" I heard a muffled voice calling through the door, and footsteps approached the door. "Are you expecting someone?" The door was pulled open, revealing a young werewolf with blue-purple hair and dark purple ears. She had sparkling turquoise eyes and gave us a grin. "Hi! I'm Dottie! Are you guys friends of Aphmau? I'm sorry, she's not feeling the best right now." I giggled at her chipper attitude, and it only seemed to increase her smile. "Oh, I'm rambling aren't I?" I smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's nice to meet you, Dottie. I'm Cadenza, this is Nana, and this is Aaron. The cast list for The Nutcracker came out, and we just know that Aphmau would love to see it." She nodded, stepping back to allow us into the room.

"Oh, she's been super excited about that! Come on in!" We stepped through the doorway, looking around at the wide living space. There was a kitchen just big enough for one person, three stools against the counter, and a living room that took up half the space. There was a couch and two chairs on the other side facing a coffee table and TV set up on the wall. Sitting around the coffee table with a game of cards set up were two other werewolves, both boys. One had green hair and ears, dark blue eyes, and a childish appearance. He was arguing with the other boy and his higher voice reminded me of a toddler. The other hair brown hair and purple ears. His eyes were a light brown, almost pale, and he was scruffier than the other boy. Still, he sounded younger than he probably was.

"These are my brothers, Daniel and Rylan." She motioned towards the green haired boy first, and he looked up from his fight to smile and wave. The other boy, Rylan, nodded at us before he continued his argument. "Sorry about them, Daniel doesn't really understand Go Fish." Nana giggled, her own ears twitching.

"I love that game! Rainbow fish are the best!"

"I know right?" Daniel picked up a card with a rainbow-colored fish on it. "They're just so pretty!" I laughed, seeing Nana's Meif'wa instincts kick in.

"Where's Aph? I don't want to bother her too long." Aaron asked, turning his phone around in his hands. Dottie grinned, pointing towards a closed door.

"She's in there. Just let yourselves out when you're done." She sat back with her brothers as the three of us crossed the floor towards a door covered in purple. I knocked, calling out as I did so.

"Aphmau darling, are you decent?" I heard a muffled voice call back, saying yes she was and asking why. I pushed open the door and grinned at her, tossing my hair over my shoulder. "Special delivery! Cast lists have been announced!" I glided into the room, sitting on the end of her bed. She looked exhausted, and I figured that I knew the reason. She wasn't actually sick, that I was sure of. Her black hair was pulled back in a sloppy ponytail and she wore an O'kasis High t-shirt and black athletic pants. A textbook rested on her lap and her laptop sat next to her, the motor whirring and the speakers playing music by Pentatonix. A cup of something steaming was on the table beside her, and I figured it was a hot cup of tea.

"You don't look so hot," Aaron commented as he came in as well, closing the door as soon as Nana bounded in. Aph smiled slightly, her cheeks heating up as she pulled a blanket up higher on her chest.

"That's what happens when you're sick." He voice cracked and she put a hand on her throat, giggling. "Are you serious though Cadenza? Cast list came out?" I nodded, my fingers playing with my hair as I watched her carefully.

"Are y-"

"Guess what you got Aph?" Nana sat next to her on the bed, tail swishing against the sheets. Aph grinned, closing her laptop and putting it on the floor with her textbook.

"What? Actually, you guys go first." Aaron joined us, pulling her chair over from her desk. He grinned at her and I could almost see the lovesick puppy coming through.

"I'm an Arabian, Party Teen, and a Snowflake. Nothing too big, but still cool parts!" Nana started messing with her hair, pulling bobby pins out of the tight bun. I bounced lightly on the bed, giving her a smile.

"I got the roles I wanted!" I couldn't help but let a little pride sneak into my voice. "Snow Queen and Dew Drop!" Aphmau grinned, her whole face lighting up. It was always a pleasure watching her being happy for others.

"I'm the Cavalier," Aaron spoke up before leaning forwards with a twinkle in his eyes. "And my partner is a short little potato." She pouted, smacking his arm with a laugh. Then, the reality of what he just said sunk in. Her eyes widened and she stared at us.

"You're serious? I... I'm the Sugar Plum Fairy?" When we all nodded, she started laughing. For the next hour or so the four of us sat in her room and talked about Nutcracker and everything coming up in the dance world. Aphmau skipped around one subject in particular that I wanted to talk to her about, but I let her. After all, we were celebrating.

Though We May Fall {An Aphmau AU}Where stories live. Discover now