Chapter 20- The Top Of The World

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Jung Hoseok-

I watched her as she breathed softly. Her eyelashes moved a little when she exhaled. She came to me last night, and by surprise too. She collapsed into my arms, and she passed out. Is she really okay? So I carried her to my bed and let her rest, but she wouldn't let go of me. In fact, she kept saying my name throughout the night.

I pulled her closer to me, and felt her breath against my chest. She stirred a little, and I knew she was awake.

"Hoseok?" She asked softly.

"Hm?" I replied. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head deeper into my chest.

"Thank you for staying with me. I really needed you." She said. I gently stroked her hair and nodded. I was glad she needed me. She pulled away and stared into my eyes. To be honest, she seemed pretty sad.

"Why are you so sad?" I asked her. She just shook her head.

"I'd rather not talk about it." She said. I nodded and rested my forehead on hers. My phone suddenly got a text message.

InfiresMan: Hey. You going to the carnival tonight?

I looked at Hyeri, who was still closing her eyes. She still looks very tired.

Hobi: Not today. I have to take care of someone.

I put my phone down and layed back down.

"Who was that?" Hyeri asked.

"Just Yoongi hyung." I answered her. She nodded and stretched.

"I feel so lazy just staying in bed. I heard there was a carnival today near the hospital. Did you want to go?" She asked. I wanted to go, but I also wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Well Yoongi hyung was going to go, that's why he texted me. We could go if you wanted." I told her. She nodded happily.

"That's great. Now you could buy the cotton candy I asked for." She said with a grin. Cotton candy? She could probably tell I was confused, because she laughed loudly.

"Remember when we did rock, paper, scissors? I won, so you said I could give you any punishment I wanted. So, I asked for cotton candy. How could forget?" She asked with a pout. I ruffled her hair and smiled.

"Arasseo. I'll buy you cotton candy. But are you sure you are okay to go? Are you feeling better?" I asked her with a concerned look. She kissed my forehead lightly.

"You know that I am always okay when I am with you."


We got ready and I texted Yoongi hyung that we were coming.

InfiresMan:  That's cool. I invited Jimin and Jin hyung too. We'll meet you at the entrance.

I grabbed Hyeri's hand, and we walked out of the hospital to the crowded carnival. I saw Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin. But I also saw a few other people, people I didn't expect to see at all. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were there too.

"Hyeri!" Taehyung yelled. He squeezed her into a hug, and she had to tap him to let her go. Namjoon walked up to me and stretched out his hand. Why is he acting so unusual?

"Hello, Hoseok." He said with a smile. I shook his hand and smiled back at him. Hyeri saw this and gave a tiny smile.

"Let's go!" Jungkook shouted.


We were all planning to stay together as a group, but we eventually decided to split up. We were all going to meet up at the entrance when we were done. Jungkook and Jimin headed towards the arcade. Jin and Yoongi wanted to check out the food stands nearby. That just left Taehyung, Namjoon, Hyeri, and I. Hyeri was making my way toward me, but Taehyung quickly pulled her away.

The Happy GoodbyeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ